w rtsrl 1 rjbcononkf sunhribime news saturday may 20 2000 i from page l aurora museum 3 vvtienftheaux6racemetery was established in 1869rremaihtfiom the trinity ghurchgraveyard and all other church 6r private graveyards were to have been exhumed and reinterred at thenewjsitel v z x we know hot everybody didthat though families were encouraged to remove thcremainsahd thestones to the new location stuart said there were burialsat the churchyard from the 1840s so by 1869 some had moved away it must have been difficult to con tact all tiie nextofkin 1 the name mary hacking does appear oh a stone at the aurora cemetery but she was buried at the anglican church and theres a stone there as well she said it seems she was properly memorialized by her fami ly at the aurora cemetery but i do think if might be her bones that were in tire churchyard maybe her children decid ed to leave her there her stone is still there ancl i believe her remains were still there stuart said it was impossible to deter mine how many bodies may still be buried in the churchyard construction of anaddition to trinity church which will includeanew bigger church attached to the old parish hall a christiarfeducatioffcentre choir rooms and space for the churchs helpingv harids program led to thvunearthirig of the unknown graveyard 1 i as workers dug j foundations- wednesday the dirt was hauled to the aurora roaddufferin street site owned by the mitchell brothers as the fill was being dumped from the truck workers spied the skulls and other bones i guess stuff like that happens said bob mitchell who along with brothers y hugh and mark are starting up a chick- en farm on the lot it seems no one real- ly knew about it j it certainly came as a shock to us said trinity church reverend philip poole there were no records and this hasnt been an active cemetery for more than 100 years constructional the church has been halted while investigators including staff from the ministry of consumer and commercial relations cemeteries regu- lationssection look for more remains they will instruct us as to the protb- col in a situation like this poole said this project is on hold until we get those instructions ministry spokesperson carollynn lepard said an archaeologist willcori- duct an investigation to determine if the site is irregular remains that were sup- posedtobemovedweremissedanille- v gal cemetery or an unofficial aboriginal burial ground s- staff photorob alary eetsgt denis jvlulholland head of the york regional police homicide osquad surveys a construction site at 1 trinity anglican churck in aurora wherepioneerbqnes were unearthed tleft if a skull discovered at a king tqjvnship site where fill from the churchyard was dumped wednesday ullage festival pet contest childrens rfcesfjugofwafiand 5k fun run your year rounj fireworks specialist afiainfor the 16th year choosenithundredsofilie mfcp i fireworks available in canada aridfromround thewori 25 off all exclusiue wizard assortments complete with description of effects andsuggested firing order over 1 00 choices all at discounted prices the tractor trailerinthe parkinglotsof agincourt mall kennedysheppard 7 trailer opens friday may 19- 119 mariwillemall mccowarihwy 7- enter off of hwy 7 r- trailed opens friday may 19 119 wizard fireworks fbrnier rdiring canadian tire store hwy 2 liverpool rdj fmm trailer opens friday may 19 129 1 vtjjjjfijjj hours friday may 19 119 saturday may 20 96 sunday may 21 106 monday may 22 109 largest selectionbest prices dt7 -if- big time fun eames of skill including traditional favourites such as pocket billiards supershot basketball skeeball sat 0 and shuffleboard all together over 200 different games all under one roof for more information on dave busters fun counselling callus at 9057607600 v j hwy i