f t w sis vr h- o emnomistwsiihpibi v 1 vr jcj seasslj i is looking to ndelstrdhg pitching and a balancedti yearthasbeenuwoucrabletdn itewayfo a w three straight lopsided victories inofraa t v south division league play through may 10t r v i yr 1 theregional municipautxof york i mom improvements the council ofjhe regional municipality of york proposes to pass a bylaw authorizing l widening and reconstruction of elgin mills 5 road east towns of markham and richmond hl vv v a the widening and reconstruction of elgin mills road east yrr49 from bayview avenue yr 3 to markland roadr in the towns of richmond hill and markham to a basic widttfof 36ojrierres with additional widening at cuts fillsj watev course crossings and intersections to provide a basic four lane roadwith a continuous centre leftturn v lanejtbm bayview avehuetyrftb the proposed 7 highway 404 west rarnpintefsectionf c- abasic fdurlane road from the propsecl highway 404 westramptntersection to markland roacl- anew interchange with highway 404 and v leftturn and rightturn lanes at intersections n b thejeconstruction of elgin millsroad eastyri io from- markland road to woodbine avenue yr8 to improve the existing two lane road and construction of minor improvements to the intersection of elgin mills road east yr49 and woodbine avenue yr 8 s s the adjustments to existing traffic control signals and assoctatedillumination to accommodate the proposed revisionsto the road layout at the intersection of elgin -pr- mills road east yr 49 with leshvstreet yr 12 and r yrf 8- d the provision of anunderground conduit system and illumination at the interslections of elgin mills road east cy-r- 49with theproposed highway 404 ramps and v markland road- i s e the carrying out of all related works andjundertakings in- t connectionwith the above arid5 ci otheacquisitiori of the necessary lands and interest in landsfdfthe works described above pursuant to rsection 300 of the municipal act the transportation andworkscommittee of the regional council illatjtsmeetingjto be held at 900 am onthe 14th day of june 2006 in cornrnfttee rooma at the regional administrative building located at 17250 yonge street- newmarketheaf anyperson who claimsthat hisher lands will beprejudicially affected by the bylaw and who applies to nevvmarketsdrjohnm deriisdh secondary school inthe cfossoterrsemifinai v ikz jh weve also got a lot of hitting theres not one of ihem who the sdss squad got shut out pitching- rjj cant hit it out of the park jm very pleased jwith that- from michelle dulude and apaif of home t returnees duludeteganjrinettjoannec runs from lisarelf in a seasonopening 160 rbut ofjessicaqirrintearesliaringaejspaspifc ralexahdef mackenziesecondary- school in jrichmqnd hill back from last yearseam crowder andrea may 3tt was pitching yctmmitteeas jaclde derasmo home- meyer relf arid lori sasaki thetim has also beenstrength- c fed twice in a210 whitewash of bayview secondary schoojl in eried by the addition derasmo leannettackancl lisa th spartans home opener may 8 ttie spartans took a whaesherban n v v f to adjust to a higher level of pitching on the foad against f mcknight credits the experience of lus players as well as tofnlea secondaylschool two days later but finally broke the coachingtney have received r open with 10 runs in the final two innings to post an 1 12 tri- v si t 1 urriph 1- see mcknight page 22 malcolm swssohs t afloat service serving the durham region beyond escort truck tilt n load also available 9057671 191 41 6954393 1 8777671 191 at- pr dvirigiai chamsioriships v 1 john hall recorded aperfect score of cnabtc ft t ct lo ifttheparauel bars and finished first of ulloulvjl0l overall in the cadet class at the recent mens pf o vi nc l 2000 artisticlsr g y m n a s 1 1 c s jv lightning boys finish fifth telephpne895i23iior 7316201 ext 1303 if anyparty entitled tobehearddoes no attend attthe tijearing-tne- committee mavproceed indiisherabsence andveshewill piot be entitled to anyfurthernotice in the proceedings the proposed by and plans showing the proposed works jmaybeinspected at the o paul jankowski director 3 coristfuct6n branch at transportation arid works departmenf located at the regional administrative building ati7250 yongestreet newmarket telephohe 895- i20oor7646345vext5688 ti vi the mafkham lightriing tinder boys soccer club battled the oshawa kicks to a 11 draw in r vthe fifthplace conso- championships mji north bay in other individual events the nineyearold maricham iation game in gym clubperformer was first dnpom- saturdays nike mel horse nngs and high bar second on t premier cup toronto 4 floor and vault p regional qualifying tourna- halls teammate aubry mcghee fin- ment at toronto eglirigton flats ished second overall with a first on floor paul reid accounted for and vault and second on pommel horse lightnings lone tally v t brings parallel bars and high bar the lightning got off to a good start among results posted by other in the tournament aftef blanking markham gym club performers adnen wexford3-0- x t yearwbod was fourth overall in argo a stephen kapolnas marc marzilh arid andlyoshafaridofifiti i joel- leniuseach scored oncer6bert i in trie spark age group patrick yearwood wascthird overall kyle- tmcburnie- eighth alex keehnv ninth the thomas cattral 17ththomas gagnon 1 22nd jeff kohlsmith 23rd and simon barbosa 24th giacomi posted the shutout ss s losstocsazzufri in itssecj ond gamejelegated the lightning jtotke cohsolatiori round cc the jasdri lyh scored the lonegoal for tl iigiariing fvrrvj why face it alone dated at newmarket this 20 day of may 20oo i iregiopcierf n 17250 yonge street 1 newmarket onfl3y 6zu v i c gum jmubmywdeckel trustee in bankruptcy personal business bankruptcies persoraf proposals richmond hill m i 905882 30 wertheim crt downtown 4169716396 i 2rcaitbnsl scarborough 4164914904 north york 4162270867 brampton 9054534881 barmev 7057226398 free initial consultation wfyet shirsler kideckel shoppers drug mart sears the bay payless shoe source canadian tire markham dominion ihseiiiiormayaoors enbridge consumers gas wkl fabricleari cleaners americaonline sample markham outdoor sears kehmore days hollyfood 1 ri b pay tiiat traffic tigicetii izzi wisiim q gju guaranteed rfservigfe a p5i30j0j41f1i j unionville irbaefme vffj s yw