i a a s r tr slslscritsj ikr jc risk j-jfc- v i j rt ti t5m i rffrav b bi5 tst fe tt c rw mt vs s ahiih 7 s j v ewnfjoblsfk mbvetheseviconstruction uldputmthebanktodrawon r r iv and expansion projects ahead- as needed and to eaminterest county sees fl faster said barrie-simcoe- on thereby benefiting from the ijcc 3s -c- bradford mpp joe tascona additional fundsv v loomiuwnpayout markhcuristqurrville which- central hospital presi- by jennifer brown has plans fora30rniuion dent frank lussing said trie staff writlr s expsi aiil- richmond hill hospital did hot i j to lion for its projects even though apply for what he says was acta york- county hospital and ithasnotyetfinalizeditsredevel ally discounted funding as its markham stouffvllle hospital opmentplan fedevelbpment project was have been advanced 20 million a total of 1 billion will jbe rajjeady under way tomoye forward witkplansfor provided to 54 hospital corpora- vv fafct k cbntinu- restctunngtheir hospitals tions across the provjnce to fast- 3hd re cen- j the announcement made track restructuring projecte the isvearihg completion yesterday provides for 155 mil- province is using the superbuild lion fnr ynrlf ponntv hnnital to fi t rrnh thh nn m for m already m con- lion for york county hospital to fund toprovide money up t t begin expansion of its enter- front enunghpvalsto move strucuon and development gehcy critical care beds and forward with ihejr projects r- pf d not make sense he complex continuing care beds according to i tihieta- f the hospitals total redevelop- bles j i we decided there would be y merit plan will cost 103 million j hospitals wefegiveh tke no advantage iwhen we have york county hospital will opportunity to apply for- the already completed onethud of now have themoney needed to advanced funds which tfiey our redevelopment project i vr ffifs g palmer bros quality heating ro air conditioning ixi installation 4707563 vf j 11 a rbreastl- somans r everyones v resrnsibility canadian i soatrt take v fofyour own breast healtn more knowledgeable and lessvfearful aboutsreast cancer were here to offer support- rwhh trainedvbreast heatthi speakers and timely iriforrriation calpus were the canadian cancer society we wantjto help you learnmore about positive breast health behaviour n f- for more information confictyourlocal carialiian spcieoffice ityottldtsave yourme this message brought to you as a community seivlceoftheijs sgoonomistrrifauoe cst 1976 where outdoor adventure is a way of life hiv ia huge selection of eloihingand foptwear t i fj- v arkvifle bnleentre king edwards arms come in for ataste of back ome s joinyour mates for authentic english pubfare t and imported draughts hottjdssip t yerethe fun never ends drop byfor a gameof snooker and beastaratkaracike ymvmmmim attention lot owners now independently distributed by jsl techh6meltd gravenhurst ontario rr 1 hwy 11 1p 1r1 li v call toll free 18884178761 vr i viceroy package only specializing in fully finished homes and cottages 1 v v h a