c x if y jl ttpv jgsr g- r -f- c y zceamofnistjsc srimmfjefn mrtmc13 2000 4 v5 cy sc v 2fjys lonsipressurerginie tobaek moraine campaign york durhahiand peel seek commitment to protect entire moraine attention lot owners r 1 l by patrick casey staff writer york has joinedtwb neighbouring regions in asking the province todevelop a longterm strategy to protect the entire oak ridges moraine earlier this month ontarios natural resources ministry suggested housing should be banned on- moraine lands in richmond hill and just last week the province submitted three colour maps to be used vvhen an ontario municipal board hearing begins may 29 on the fate of five developments proposed on the moraine in richmond hill the report proposes a corridor system more extensive uian the 600metrewide greenspace the government previously endorsed and which could forever protect 80per cent of richmond hills moraine lands however without a formal strategy there is- nothing to stop additional applicants from propos ing new development projects on the moraine argued vaughan regional councillor michael di biase who wantsqueenspark to negotiate an agreement un conjunction with york peel and durham regions everyone should apply pressure to the provin cial government to come to the table and sit with the three regionsdi biase said thursday before regional council passed the recommendation after the omb hearing is over a landowner can still come forward at anothertime and we will do it all over again without the ammunition of a government poli- cy the region will be fighting moraine development application by application markham regional i councillor frank scarpitti safd 7 but theres no reason to reinvent the wheel- countered richmond hill mayor bill bell whosaid aformal moraine strategy was endorsed by the v development industry politicians and environ- mental groups in 1994 in richmond hill we are finally starting to be heard after banging bur heads against the wall bell said its the continuation of the same thing bur more people are pushing it i cant for the life of me understand why they cant accept it amanda- mcwhirter a spokesperson for municipal affairs minister tony clement said she cant speak about the 1994 strategy because the rnattef isnow before the omb but did say anieet- ing willsoon between clement and the gta regional chairpersons to discuss a long- term strategy tf however mcwhirter added the minister- remains convinced local governments already pos sess the ability to protect environmentally sensitive lands l oak ridges mpp frank klees said he supports a longterrristrategy for the moraine a 160kilometre stretch of land that feeds more than 30 rivers and streams including the rouge don and humber rivers 1 lisfun frtnsairyeafibqunci a jndoprswjmming poolwith adjacent garden 1 j patio personaltrainersstate6ftheart exercise gym 75000 inechnt upgrades expanded free weight room jarge aerobics studio with cushioned ttcxtr ask abdutour exciting new cassescomputerized fitness evaluations programs 5 international squash courts squash professional proshopc whirlpool steam rooms v fdry saunas child care massage therapy jesthetlcian chiropractic rehab services fromjmarkhampain clinic free towel senrtcelgrbomlhgaids 7ucensed arid restaurant we offer reciprocal mernberehlp privileges s jalt adelaide clubdomrnjsim and ontario racquet ctub mtestesauga vriask us for details iiti- markham located in the embassy rsmitesv 8500 warden avenue at hwy7 markham- 90547bi400 f- 1 i v 30000 off annual membershrp fees until may 31 single adult fitness memberships only not valid withany other discount offer r j- j tsm4wv4 jci- j yw v early bird sale now on 1 jj independently distributed by jel tech home ltdg peterborough ontario v hwy 7 7a rr 3 k9j 6x4 call toll free i 18884178760 viceroy material package only regular mm s now ffcetv specializing in fully finished homes and cottages shutters by s iilllll will nun 1 v i r poly satin vinyl shutter r tropics lc by y 1 5 yebf wdrtanlynji ii i 7 1 x uv resistant maintenance free r moistureproof aluminum reinforced unique patented gear system no pull bar xi i go window shopping at homewith us v the best selection v friendly service v expert installation v price guarantee rrods brkts wrought iron -rodssfinials- 2 48- c2995 4884- 3995 1 mwmamlltajftjlwi il it v