c h itt an f w m v 14 r l birchcl1ff fordlincoln dealership closing factory authorized clearance auction the principals of birchclifffortfllncoln must immediately reduce jheir inventoryjdf demos consisting of fords and lincolnsxs well asx large selection of used vehicles- m wilson co in its o capacity as auctioneer has been authorized tosell by way of public auction sale ii iis co in iux newyehicles used vehicles qiialitydvmss birchcliff fordlincoln 2150 trawrence avenue east z toronto ontario 4167529180 auction date time i r listings kilometers 2000 ford focus4k 99 dakota13k 99 grand marquis 14k 99 windstar21k 99 marquisilk 5 98 contour25k42k65k51k57k3 98 windstar61k50k51k 98 rangcr42k 98 lincoln cont 45k98 mercury mystique34k 97 mercury marquis70k 97 sable74k 2 97 escort69k43k 97 probesmk 97 sunfirc71k96 tauf uslook 96escort51k 96 windstar77k 96 c6ntourl 1 k 2 95mystiquel 12k105k 3 95 windstar 95 neon89k 2 95 sable115k94k 95 caravan133k 95 explorerlolk 95 escort69k 93 taurus- 135k90 caravan 89 astro and more terms s500 00 refundable bidders deposit required additional 0 deposit required on successful auction purchases balance bycash or certified funds or bankpreapproval within 48 hours of completion ofsale sale subject to additions or deletions follow our website for pictures ofjthis sale and future sales httpwwwmwilsoncom fmajuilsohcb 1 j i z j f 1 c j -r- r jt iv r w v 1- j 1 i r rejqnalcquncor bilrsja fischjtgio transit chairperson eldred king markham tfc councillor george mckelvey andinmuter susan t j j mackenziehillof stoufiwlle ride the train tuesday to r v mark the unproved service on tiie line between toronto and uxbridge which has stops m markham and stouffvule staff photosteve somerville the regional municipality of york j road improvements the council of the regional municipauty of york proposes to pass a bylaw authorizing l constructjon of markham bypasstown of markham tiv r athecbnstruction of markham bypass fromhighway 467 to highway 48 yr 68 town of markham to a basic width of 360 metres with additional wideningsat cutsr fills watercourse crossings surface drainage facilities and intersections to provide a basic four lane road with leftturn and rightturn lanes at intersections b the construction of a temporary connection from the intersectionof the existing markham bypass northerly to the proposed markham bypass to a basic width of 360 metres with additional widenings at cuts fills watercourse crossings surface water drainage facilities and intersections to provide a basic two lane road with leftturn and rightturn lanes at intersections l r c the widening and reconstruction of major mackenzie drive 1 east yr25 from highway 48yr 68 to ninth line yr 69 including the eliminationof the jog of ninth line yr 69 to a basic width of 360 metres with additional widenings at cuts fillswatercourse crossings surface water drainage facilities and intersections to provide a basic four lane road with leftturn andnghtturn lanes at intersections c- j dthe widening andreconstructibnof 16th avenueyr 73 from the existing markhambypasif to the tenth concession road to albasicwidth of 360 metres witr additional widenings at cuts fills watercourse crossings surface water drainage facilities and intersections to provide a basic two jane road with leftturn and rightturn lanes at intersections ethe installation of- traffic control signals and associated illuminationat the intersections ofthe proposed markham bypass with highway 7 yr 7 the realigned ninth line ylr 69 major mackenzie drive east yr 25 and highway 48 yr 68 and the installation of temporary traffic control signals and associated illumination at the intersection of the existing markham bypasss6th avenue yr 73and the temporaryconnection roadway f the provision of an underground conduit system and jllumination at the injersection of the proposed markkam by- pass with 16th avenue yr 73 v v n gthe carryjng out of all related worksand undertakings in connection with the above and j h the acquisition of the necessary lands and interestin lands for the works described abovet pursuant to section 300 of the municipal act the transportation and works committee of the regional council will at its meeting to be held at9oo on the28th dayof june 2000 in committee room a at the regionaladministrative building located at 17250 yonge street newmarkechear any person wno claimsjhat hisher lands will be prejudicially affected by the by law and who applies to be heard anyone wishing to be heard is requestedto advise the office of the regional clerk attention elma stevenson telephone 8951231 or 7310201 ext 1303 if any party entitled to be heard does not attend at the hearing the committee may proceed in hisher absence and heshe not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings r the proposed bylaw and plansshowing the proposed works l be inspected at the office of paul jankowski director design and construction branch at the transportation andworks department located at the regional administrative building at i725oyohge street newmarket telephone 8951200 or 764- 6345 ext -5088- x dated at newmarket this i3 day of may 2000 ri v 1 denis kelly- j regional clerk 37250 yonge streef 7 newmarket on l3y6z1 celebration uniohville highschbbr prepares to present its annual spring concert celebrationmay 17 featured will be a variety of music from jazz to classical performed by junior arid senior choirs chamber string ensemble jazz and vocal jazz ensembles and as a special treat for the audience a 1 medley from the sound of musk- the venue forthe evening is the markham theatre at hwy 7 and warden avenue for tickets after may 12 call the box office 3057469 or uhs music department at4792787ext 350 tickets are7 i jennifer kee s geieral cosmetic dentistry for the- whole family including r orthodontics for children adults v jaw joint tmjtreatment i 05475-7600- 18 crown steel drive wanlcn i4ih avenue m electronic insurance filing 3 r lylr fcp i rzv bankruptcy why face it alone murrayiideckeu trustee in bankruptcy personal business bankruptcies personal proposals richmond hill 9058822436 r30 wertheim crl downtown 4169716396 2catonst r scarborough 4164914904 north york 4162270867 3- brampton 9054534881 7057226398 5 v- t- free initial consultation shiner kideckel zweig irs tt j tit m 8 i-