i -i- w5c aiffirfiim iiis bfe is- jmesvfosi k-s-ac- vjtfe5li hopping up and down try t2 regional iimewstdigest rs avs3 objections t maamfclalliancvreprese the wordjrigoftheresolutiohs changed oonsiderablyl but save the rouge valley systempident glehhjde de baeremaeker said kis group alsoanalliance 1 didnt get the mmimumv30metre bimers it sought against development instead park bounbarieswill beetemuned at vanous points along the nver by ecological cntenajhat could leave it with only the standard 10 setback of give if much eventhough the park plan will have no baererhakef said its adoption isari importahtstep for the river t ifor the first time ever the town of markham has promised to protect moreof the environment than the oldstandarcl yrougeparkfgeneral managerlgordweeclontsaid alliance s u 5m v ewmxts happening s sws studio tour and sale vl r- j staff photosjoerd witteveen binjaniin pultun 2 participatedrin a jbunnyvhop t although mitcheh llpearce 3 is less inclined to join in theclass at my first school daycare jcentre in j stouffville was raising funds for the muscular dystrophy association of canada lartweek3 v w j mc vj a 1 v 7 s il vl4 i i l j vt i f s f 7j tapprovalonsepl 8 possibly sending it to provincial cabinet he said cv sil r xv wj i this is a major step to get it out heresaid frank scaspifti 3 thealliarices yorkregiori representative addinghe relieves die i r fjoctober- resolutions werejonly slightiymodified i think they are a big win for anybody who cares about the environment v cousens predicted developers will seek to chauerige the plan at the ontario muniapal board but said he was looking forward 4osuabatdebecauseithiruicanwinit v vtif v yjr the urban development institute and its members believer j dietreal intent of me october resolutions are excessive unrea- ttsonablearidjfactif unenforceable but its reaction may 5 depend on how the plan is locally enforced said neil rodgers r tiieudispolicydirector 4c vici j he added the industry has some problems with die ecolog- lcalcntenal we thinktheyrea bifwishywashy theyre not vcloselydefiried v iv j i x j- councillor dave barrow who 5fepresehts p f richmond hill on the alliance said die plan is urgentiy negd- edif an s omb decision stops jdevelopmentroftnetbwns moraine lands pressure will then be on lands in thexeslie i north area which includes headwaters of the river todevelop call 8891165 for information thomhili visual artists hosts its fourth 1 annual studio tour and sale allowing the publicto join 13 professional awardwinc ning artists in their homes a portion of the proceeds will go tbyondhtral hospital j beginsr k4a preliminary heanng began yesterday for fourmen charged pvntii vtabbmgmarwiams maria wong to death in herv j j smainahd market streetsabout2 30 am f tfie t suspectswewhite malesf f sv u j- u j v j inzh rwtr i r an aenalviewof the rouge park shows the route of the little tooth and chipped another and suffered tips x s i- k 0 hv i j i vtapobiebr6ketfndse- vvvv rkathten griffin j3 4 l s 1 i deter- jniinesif there isehsughevi dence to send thecaseto trial f james pierce 26andre jones 29christianortizh20 and norman figueroa charged with first degree murder andconspiracyto commit mur- f detrntheslaying rrusbandjshu kwan johnny wong whqiis accused bfmastefmindmgthe remamsinhongkbngi y hejs appealing a courtdeci- sjpnt thatjie be xifiradited to 7 t bhthe murder charges said leadjhvesfigatqr jdetles youngwhetherthe j r i hong kong courtwmheatah appeal is still bemg decided 4 4 sf police allegewong lurecl the i appeal is still bemg decided police allegewong hired r ourtmento killrfislwifeanb hearing will likelytake upto 10 mfweeks thereare v wjiwong 44 wasa wellknown restaurateur in the chinese com- imunityher bloodsoaked tjody v was discovered- byapasserby jwralkmghlsmogfeblll999 j v3the vhearingwilljcbhtinue through die endfoff junvarid presume agamfbritwoweeksin mulyt rf wy i 6- r r