economist sunffibune regional affairs jltfunfiikafay 62000 k c si ivrs- iirs w-wsic- tsgg r v ii o c by gianni colavecchia v will be able toregulate the businesses v were not set up mabidtogreaflyreducethenumber c s il of strip joints richmond hill cmirifcayvr jm never licensed strip lors have called on york region tb jointe and has m department to enforce license them adul entertainment bylaws he ju- the move came at mondays council explained meeting weeks aftctcouhciuorsaiked fisch said he sees no reason why the province to give them thepower to idea wouldnt fly with regional council fbah the businesses from their town j ors bu 4 he doesnt know whether v cbunciuor wospatafdra initiated ow municipalities such y as thecautotheregionforseveralreasons vaughan or newmarket will willingly ruicludirig a belief tne province will not 8 u theirpowertq license stnp t the towns request- v j the likelihood of that happeningis vhmond- c rembtemrhydpihionhesaidafterthe- whoseward takes in the towns meeting alotofmyresidehtshavesaid proposed adult entertainment zone look vito we reauydont want the s theresno point in handingover thingsaroundiiswed6htwantourkids that power region unlessitcan exposed to it restrict the number of stnp joints to two j spatafora admitted ho onecanelim- region wide sinate strip joints given canadas theoreucauy that could happen if all supreme court has ruled they have the iune x municipalities were right to exist v i amalgamated into one megacity and the court has ruled a municipality several stripjoints currently operating r must allow at leasttwo strip joints to lost their business ucences t prevent any ofthemfromestablishing a j otherwise we as weu j look- monopoly in their area after our own business she said late having tlie region license strip joints wednesday afternoon ive just come could ensure it getsno more than the back from me regions planningdepart- hmii handful it has now and they could be ment and the issue is going to be vetted spread over a larger geographical area through its legal department regional chairpersonbill fisch said but richmond hill solictor teresa f he likes the idea but isnt sure the region kowalisriin was skeptical 1- 1 z 1 5f l we are going to level withyou this is the oneincreadible sale- the angle of this sale is to offer you the highest quality wamsutta cotton sheets and the most elegent stools at the lowest price possible this sale ends may 15 so take aturnfprthe better and come down to any of our threedcations an4 turn your house into i wwwdownunderonca wuyisutta cotton sheet sets l 230 threadcount 100 combed cotton sateen i deep fitted sheet j l available 4 colours ice blue white straw and stone s wiw 1 5 1 double rwkwfw r j queen im ww a vv v d kathefteds 5anv8iz 99 wwwdownunder6nca canadas 1 website for bed bath linen furniture jdisjeontinuedlbeddingbathvl take advantageof the fantasticsavings orudisconj itinuedjiegyption cotton bedding towels sheet sets duvetsjpillowsmorev