igox jri6nmysupue saturdgymay ft 2060 nvf 4 k- s cieafcutting growth global warming how much can lake simcoe take sy bymikeadler staff writer j n summer sundays the local cottagers share willow beachv with daytripping farni- sn i li fromtorqritor 5 i ashort walkawayrahcilnearlyvx where kennedy road reaches its northern end at lake simcqe is a lot with an old brick schoolhbuse v york region plans to put a new filtraunplantheredrawingwatef from the deepest part of the lake fjf scheduled to be tip and runv ningbydecember2002 the plant swill have- a membrane filtration system and an activated carbon j j pohshingsystemfor removing bad j tastesand odours vbumhe vvtllowbeach installa- 3 tion will not bebmgingwater to the cottages at least not yet the new plant is meant to sup- vplyme urbanarea ofsutton and many future serviced develop- onients in the towhofgeqrginav which has 38000 residents now jbut expects 73000 within 25 years 7 recently barrie which draws allitsf waterlifrom simcoe has rgrown as explosively as one of the holland marsh shrank by 77 per cent and 81 per cent of marginal coldwater streams disappeared -york- regions state of the environment report stated last year by the1990v the lake simcoe region conservation authority pegged sinicoes phosphorus intake at 100 tonnes ayear 25- s tonnes more than a selfsustaining coldwater fishery could stand and responded with grant pro grams aimed at fixing trouble spots j but in its first term ontarios tory government slashed funds for conservation authorities even though farmers have lined up for ttie remedial projects paying half the cost the lsrcadoesnt have money to do rliem all r some landowners have to wait three or four years said mike walters the authoritys envirbn- vnental services manager zebra mussels reached the lake iin the 1990s making water clearer but allowing the weeds to grow at greater depths were seeing much moreweed gfowthvwalters s jjv staff photosrob alary w above pefferiaw anglers club members dan allison left and brian reported particularly at cooks bay algae blooms that can plague the tj check out the new fish spawning system installed tojestofe georgina where it is just phe- tilcpinmm5aimmpr e smves walleye population photo tiative the province hasposted no fishing signsnear the restoration ii clean up the houand marsh jake jn midsummer yet on the surface simcoe looks fine not far awayf worried georgian bay cottagers watch aslake huron sits far beyond theirdocks 50 cen- rjmetres below average depth and possibly headed for recordsetting low levels this summer but on simcqe boating season on the trentsevern waterway will p start may 19 with the lake at nayi- gatiqn levels nearnormal- v- soon memarinaswill projects watch r vv smaller and more fragile than lake ontario simcoe isvulherable to overdevelopment he added by excess phosphorus entering the lake some of that phosphorus was natural but much of it came from fertilizer on farms or lawns wash- and no one has ever figured out if ing into local rivers streambank there are limits to what the lake can take if sometime in the future- its water can rib longer be cleansed enough to drink there will be a sibbald soon memarinaswill fillwith ijjbjoatstrthebieaches wth-swim- hugerude awakeriirig mefssimc6easstillfanexce placeto catch a bss its a huge the lakes decline has been ctounsrcuawxvortiijmanyniillions seen for decades algae blooms remains the greatest source of vt6 r v whichappeared in the 1970s as sinicoes phosphorus problem at- home in j jacksons point aquatic weeds started growing the lake has atso lost much of peter sibbalcl brown argued the thickly along the shoreline and lakes fullness in a year of water coldwater fish species notably scarcity is deceptive jiidirigmts- whitefish and lake trout started to ifrbubledhealthf z disappear its a mirage said sibbald the persistent and increasing brown member of the environ7 p growth removing the oxygen mental i advocacy group- lake coldwater fish heed was sparked and other phosphorus hotspots walters said the authority has rethought how it should spend its scarce funds and hopes to launch a new strategy a total water qual- ity program for the lake next month j this month it plans oh issuing a detailed state of health report for die east hqlland river system including opportunities fpr improvement c a the river fortunately has had a number of allies this weekend volunteers were to gather at newmarkets municipal offices for an annual trash cleanup the its natural shoreline 80 per 2 tu yi cent of itisartificial anddeail jenaatrail a sibbald brown charged- and the ww au rivers feeding ithavlheenaltered- ffi jn the30 yearsfouowing 1952 204000 to install protective the length of what wereconsid- ered coldwater strearrisin the v erosion or treated sewage and sep- tics j even today the holland river running through urban aurora and newmarket then east gwillimbury and georgina and filially the areas nutrientrich agri cultural hub in the holland marsh see northern page 21 j v the final instalment in a threepart series on the state of water iriyork region fnatural tcarswitjiin oukeycs make oiir eyes comfortable and healthy by tears or permanent treatment relief with tear duct closure excessive use of atdadaltears common causes of drycyes arcdry environments both heating in winter as that leads to longlasting relieffrom red irritated and dry eyes this treatment is welllis aurconditidhing in summcrexcessive tear loss from drainage ducts generally availableonly from cyedoctors who have specialized training in die procedure contact lenses aging and cejtainmedicanorwirwludiingvasqrorismctoreye if yqu have red jeycspr suffer from dry itchy r irritated and burning eyes callour- drbps likeafisinc that okclhcred6ut 4 i ic v hr iv voptometry practice today foryour professional evaluation of die cause and all treatment- 4t f hmmwwwmmwmmwm rrfl-inv-