glfe3 asthma we can help call the lung association st patterson saysjtfiese bookswhichknmgclettingm ten years ago meyork durham delude photographs and information the early days when funding was uncer- aphasia centre opened in stouffvilles apout ajcuenfs life before their stroke or tain parkview village injiuy are especiauy helpful for those vera and john hall of parkview have yesterday evening anyone who had with no speech ct been wonderfully supportive she says been involved with the centre since its pattersonand social worker anne- they provided a home for us v- inception was invited to attend an open wells have been with the centre since it she also credits alan chamberlain house to celebrate the 10th anniversary p at that time the only location whose wife suffered from aphasia with ruth patterson a speech pathologist was in stouffviue founding the centre and getting her and with the centre says aphasia is a loss of patterson says parkview village has wells interested in the project y the ability to communicate caused by injury to the brain such as a stroke or a brain injury v the aphasia centre teaches adults with communication problems coping techniques and helps them integrate into society the stbuffville program is funded by the ministry of health and longterm care a program in richmond hill is funded through york central hospital the maplelocatioh is funded bythe york region publichealth and a newmarket program is currently operated through fundraising 1 the centres each have a core staff including speech therapists and social workers supported by volunteers who are trained incommunication strategies we have about 75 volunteers who run group programs says patterson clients are grouped according to interests and each group is run by two volunteers who also help clients and their families make life history commu- o g palmer bros jjj quality heating g t air conditionin 1 iii installation fjlfyouofyourdnlittalavcliooblehreaihaigj zabct would 13k you to cooaikyots doctor or tall theasama society of caraaaljit iftid oat more atat asttem aid is tretmeots i zsrofu bntmhea hale esneci- naaasisaaitmatlhsktttbaaai jt- t tiir ssissrvst i 4707563 lung association this message brought to you as a community i w nojonecan deliver resultslike we do 7 i i tobqokyourflyer distribution call selected awa on economist sun t905 294-8244- rstdtiffvilletribtme general- cosmetic dentistryx for the whole family modern dentistry traditional care drkenlawlor including orthodontics for children adults jaw joint tmj treatment 9054757600 18 crown steel drive wanlcn 14ih avenue m electronic insurance filing kf custodiers warned 0f hydro changes 1 by joan ransberry v staff writer i j whitchurchstouffville hydro is emected tobe disbanded by- the end of june w the legal process designed to put the utility onthe market is underway while aserninar giving hyhro customers infor- matiohon what future holds is se for may 23 frohi 7 to 9 pm at latchami haii 7- j i the first seminar in early- april attracted 18 customers the public can expect to choose their own supplier by npyernber at the semi- j nar customers wiu be advised on what to look for and what toavqicl ina power contract said dbcal hydro manager- w 1 ftfei8 m zmz rife 83 i- charlie jackson proposals to buy the utility will be aoreptedasqfmayswhuethefinalpro- posal will be selected at theeridof june council recently agreed to explore selling its municipally owned and oper ated electric utility affecting 3500 cus- i tomers vv the town could malce up to 525000 k irithe sale a condition of salejincludes job guarantees for local employees 4 jloiie option could be ttf amalgamate witk a veighbburing municipalitysuch i as markhamvvard3 councillor peter dobrich suggested 1 j the pending sale fc is part of a provincewiderhove to get rid of munic- ipally owned electric utilities of the 200 i futilities spread across ontario 50 haye been sold i x neighbouring jjxbridge joined togetherwitk ajaxpickering the town dfcgebrgina is soon expected to sell itsutilityiv h x- change came m octoberi998 whenj the r provihcepassed j- thefenergy j s competition actbill of j r introducing competitidnat the whole- 1 sale and retail sectors of ontarios electri calutaitiesbyooo fj j tcunrentjg spring summeuil merchandise names we have ioosandloo of new arrivals rf last closing sat -may6- 1 a x c same location different unit beside bluestone bistro y 1l it 1 i unionville 9059441341 uj 1 white rose 2 1 j j ix o 3 9l a v ie v sheridan oc nursery f i we are s o izy j 1 f f