v stoiiffiiflefrfiljune 5 i 1 3 3 9 heritage rd markham on3p 1m3 publisher on proudopr general manager awi brouwer editor in chief brendalarson director of advertising debraweller deputy editor i debora kelly- editor julie caspersen production director chenkay t j- distribution director barrygoodyear online publishing l 7 1 manager brian kirlik t classified manager ann campbell retail sales manager stephen mathieu inside sales manager v v stacey allen business manager margaret fleming office manager a vivian ctneil 3c- shameonmsewho allowed hwjf407 era5 my family and i are devastated by the r approval ofthehvy407extension i feel phys- ically ill when i see howthe much of the rouge valley has been bared of trees within days of jf 4 the announcement 1 j 1 rin fact snclavalin started construction several days before theannouncement- r fisheries ministerherb drtaliwals envi ronmental investjgati6hwas sham- and a disgrace r 17 n j anyone who stands along hwy 401 which theo intends to become t see tiie x unbearable noise and air pollution which it produces sv 7 vv v v77 j wf can only guess at the invisiblesoil pol- w have survived until now without itand municipal governments have an opportunity jutoonhowcanwe in good conscience wjjl continue to do so j- s 7 to preserve trie oak ridges moraine- land j p natul area y cet hwy 407 become a ghost highway lets swapsand acquisitions are needed to preserve l assessment would f other cheque donations can be made payabl the town otrichmondhill re kettle jlakes park acquisition fund po boxts300 r mchmondhiiionll4c4y75 i maryanneyakev richmond hill i is i 4li s wprldfclass piibuc trari- wa hundreds of thousands of t a curiouspers6n by nature i noticed that i gtawhy is our goyp ridgesmoraine sriiy neighbourshad their main water shutoff ernmenrencomagingpeppletodnvetneu waterdenletionisacoricernworidwidebutit valves on theirtront vards while mine was irjn tu iimrninm orolvolrailirrrtiilfnr o waterdepletionisacbhcem worldwide butit valveson their- front yards while mine was nnpcnt emm aminna vnablnff noncinnc nn nilr nnnmnrptn hotaimn j x- f- olympics whenresidenlsjwill 1101616 to sources requesfto locate the valve for me since there getfterjoyiewano wasno emergency i jsr jwanro vnairritmiv ctrrthickvoi ki ft x 1 i representative from the fown came the morning showed me for me and even pointed me tomy off valve inside the house 7 s iri impressed by the friendly and prompt jthempst effective to protestis to hit our nyers and lower levels in the great lakes service r tiiem where icpuntein the wallet my fam- fxpnomicgrowthrcannot continue if we dont ily willneverr ever seta tire on any stretch of have a safe and reliable water source k hwy wzy st v a s -the- federal prbvinciacregional and vivien ng maiyofam letjers7policy7 j stqufrrilletnbune j 2 j ysubmissions must be less than 400 wordsandmust include a laytinieephohenumbert i nameand address the i newspaper reserves the right to o publish or not publish and to editforclaiityandspace y wrfteflirw smaahiiti0nuplm3 f emiltlttfisheonsoitcoav stouffyflle tribune 1 v 71 serving the community since 1888 canadian circulations aucft board mnf press council v nsmpu6calkimuprojuctsljajretoit403419 subscrlpuoa tolas by rru 1 year 6955 tuesdays only zjvsitvfcf kit 1 i i i i i i i i i stounvidetnbune published every tuesday thursday and saturday is one of the metroland printing publishing and distributing ltd group of newspapers which includes the ajarpickering news advertiser alston heraldcourier barrie advance banys bay this week bolton enterprise brampton guardian burlington shopping news burlington v post city parent collmgwoodwasaga connection east ttik mirror erin advocatecountry routes- etobicoke guardian flamborough post georgetown independentacton free press kingston this week undsayjhrs week midlandpenetangubhene mirror milton canadian champion milton shopping news mtssrssauga news newmarket- aurora georgina erabanner northumberland news north york mirror oatoibe beaver oakvioe shopping news j orilllatbdayiioshawawhltbyclaringtonport perry this week peterborough this weekrr richmond hillthonihillvughan uberal scarborough mirror stouffville tribune lbdas seniors uxbridge tribune and city of york guardian v j -i- phone 95 2941200 fax 95 2941538 v classified 1007433353 distribution 905 294244 icilvx j- i i sentencein bg teens yingwilljifel fl0tgaifistoai i f joe warhback sees a few hundred thousand more signatures- today jbii his peumidhjtprevamp the young offehdersj act v bntish columbjacbiirt to mahkr y 4 wamback whpse teenage sson 7 johathah lapsed lnto a cbma and required brainvurgery after he was beat- enina newmarketpark turned his perebnat public action by lobbying tphavethe young offenders actchafigedsbjustice is served in- canada- yj hehasjstrong public support for his campafgnfrom all parts of the country and thew6rldifrus website is anyihcli- cation j 1 r v7- alndcourtdecisibhs such asjthat vtfandeddowh r by j justice l nancy momsonmiiie1reenayjirk add fuelko warhbacks alreadyblazirig fire i v t reena wasbeaten and drowned in a wafrnjngmcidemher j to the cool crowd sorriest v accepted but whb never quite mabeit v last week madam justice morrison sentenced 17year kellyfjiafd who according 4 testimony in 7the trial crushedalit cigafetteinto reenas fore- headj grabbed her by- the hair v led iseven teeiagersinlqckinglher and punching her and stomping pn her y head to serve five years in prison for her crime vv itsabsolutely disgusting j 7reena died because ptlierkids s v 7no futureno childfenherparerits wont wateh her- marry nave a career make a mturefmbecausesohie kids midnt likelier 77i v v t kelly ellard who bywithess accounts enjoyed every moment of torturing tnis poor soul will be but and starting a new ifetagb22y v l justice morrison told the girl she j should never let her parents down that v she v told fjlardsheowesjt toreena to live an exemplary lifei- v jfs not just ellards sentence that liurts iri this- case the other teens involved in the crime also received young offender love taps r jx warren glowatski a young offender convicted earlier of seconddegree mur der in the case is eligible for parole after seven years r gk 7 the girls involved received sentences that include nine monthsvsix months a years probation a stayedsenteiiceva conditional sentence- can you imagine being reenavirics mom listening to tnesesentences r under tiie letter of the law judges hands aretiedyou would tjiinkjiie fudges are as disgusted by these cases as muchas the public is i- joewamback is right v 1 x u