tf jftjcs xt- v- 5- vs w 1 ass sa by alicia gordon j v45 t jocal firehalls jloblaws stores and other volunteer dropoff locations last year thanks to the tremendous support of the community 4o000 emer- j mealjackages were handed out 4 by tiiefobll banks ofyork region half of these meals went to childrerp 4 each emergency package contains enough jo1bdtb last oneperson for t approximately threedaysthe food bankhopesto stock thviegibns panfiy shelveswith enough food to lasvthree v months in wdertqfocusvna balahceof rnuteunisjjoo jappreciateitefns such as babyformula j canned fishand meats fruit juice boxes peanut butter cereal toothpasteand toothbfti6 for more detailsonhowydu can con- tribute please contact food drive co esther tefnplin at 8364105 rl ig dr lawn jfcare lasi p5ej2f flyer in todays 5 markhani economist siin 3illi33r3ail f southdale dnve robinson streets j jolyn court 5 lonqiiil crescent i v cc t- vt c z montgomery court tea rose street ambleside crescent couborg drive c v blackwell court austin drive 3 kerrigan crescent baycliffe road g- camfonh drive sutcliffecreicent icalderbndge cres timilford moses crescent spnngwoodcres lancashire road fred varley drive tea rose street eton street n 5- john button blvd markhaven road crispin court markville road oakkaven drivel o miley drive lt dancers drive meadawbrook lane j- rowland court hastings v the fairways waterbndge lane calvert road v fyladison hghts bjyd rycroft drive john sliver crescent brock avenue 7 t buroak avenue- cainsvilleroad plum tree circle henrietta street brunswick avenue v marlow crescent main sl unionville ellingwood couirti fairlawn avenue f cambourne court forester crescent laird drive berczy blvd h f i milliken s j ct dundee crescent olivewood drive joycedale street brackin road j alicewood drive hillcroft drive j t j jimston drive saddlewood court highglen avenue l r dowling circle v perclue court t cairncrpss c7escenti5 fm roxbury street highglen avenue eden avenue r i- make extra money delivering the paper and flyers to homes in your area call today v j- jconomistsun 905 2948244 stoilfme tribune j j tt u fv 1- upper canada child care centres summer ufxciting reld trips swimmiriq creative arts games sports cooking science r if t f s v 4 a j ji i t i v f i- jt 3 -i- 4 4i i basketball baseball tennis soccer multi sport multi fitness track field t at york mniwersity i k 5 full day one week camps a- ages618 iexpenenced and qualified instructors i low instouctorparbopant ratio fees range from 155 to 199 discounts for early registration 5 multiple campscampers camps begin july 4 2000 fdr a camp brochure call 41b 73g5184 email sprtinfqyorkiica j c v j r hourst 7f00amt6600m children ages 6rl2 1 s- three markham locations m 1 ashton meadows day camp william armstrong day camp north of 16thaveeast of woodbine east ofmarkham rdsouth of hwy 7 ituicqqvicoa v one ait jmao 9058872539 4 9054714099 a littowidaygmp south of lerave eastof woodbine fofe ll 9059461216 f v i a t- jji- i y3prt celebrating our th year anniversary m v the canadian centre for academic enrichment ltd v v f 1 ml f 3 prescriptive teaching tutoring in all subjects ml a f v summer programs available individualized remedial enrichment programs pre school to grade 13 oac high school preparation essay writing study habits math sciences esl french written expression grammar spelling i day or evening classes available throughout the year lfcklititu eulicai lonalinstii ution rvhaw -i- 14 unionville t 1 vis 4 l w viv v3t 1 si 4 1h mmmsmmdmm