ff- fij fj j f 1 vfe f vc s t aa ytroublmgwarnidg r il agns surface around us serving whitchurchst0uefviitbsmcej888zl v- f 1- t l f- j- vt 50 cents including gst 32 pages saturday april 22 2000 to reach us 905 2942200 ii l yr aim toayert x- repeat dedththreats force c vby gianni colavecchia regions ask province to cap funds pooled tor jorontossocial programs 1 by patrick casey to toronto mduding 80 million iriv- on thursday- the regions we havehadmfovmal provincial government to cap the officials fear a severe economic dip i on ae gt pooling -responsibili- ourjend regional chairperson bill amount of money they have to will return a crunch to the social ties wd requesmgaunfunicipali- fisclfadrrutted following fe meet sendto toronto to help pay for the assistance framework similar tothe tiessubmit costs determined- on mglthastostdprj citys social assistance and housing experience in 1993 whenyofk- ommonservice levels sv a sfnce 1998rthegta regions needs v rooinnc acolnph ronrhph fflasvca rut rnnvinrina ctv of tnrnrito have hifortph frlnnpvtntonntn in the past three years region has committed 263 million v regions caseload reached 9485a but convincing city of toronto have directed moneygtojorpnto i the month almost double the figures ys- t s c lillion v last year anbther matter entirely a see no say pagei2 staff writer twdthornhill schools were closed thursday after students stayed away indrbvesfonj the a- anniversary of fthe columbine high massacre j rat least two vmofeschobls newrnarketj high- schooland alexander highih richmondhillrwere evacuated n thursday duejtobbmb threats a sj tioinb threathaci been called in y 6 huronheightsui newmarket iv thedaybeforel f ft j cthere was a police presence in fp toronto fschoolstthursbayarid- i n five students were stabbed at an j ottawa area high school valthough schoolofficialssay thereareno guarantees they i yr hope to prevent a repeat of this g chaos next april 20 fcdont know- that anybody can mve assurances to stop that kind of thingbnan jamieson v spokesperson for the york region i distnct school boardrjconceded were rgomg jo reviewwhats x heenpoingoninthelastfewdavs handlany emergencythere is a sj protocol to follow for any of these w situati6ns t j v see avoid page 12 stmark catholic school classroom theartwbrlcwas done during lent the preeaster fasting period the pairitirig depicts jesus life during holy week lit 1 r j