i r- v i i r iaisr2hb y j tsvsuaiu4wio7itsf suntribune ajirl j hjim thursday april 20 2000 u distrubingcdse ofmurderedstoufjville horses remains unsolved throwing gasoline on cats and setting them on fire dragging dogs behind cars nailing a kitten to the floor and shooting horses in cold blood are reasons the countrys cruelty to animal laws need to be beefed up in a few weeks the federal powersthatbe are expected to give the nod to tougher animal cruelty laws while the police continue to joan ransberry deter people who abuse animals suggesting new legislation could be in place before the end of the year i mclellan was told- of the stoufiville horse shootings no doubt the minister was shocked to learn two horses were shot while asleep in their stalls a month later two more hors es were gunned down in the same fashion at the same farm of the foiui only one survived onejwas owned by a child two g53cts fit w v- v shops on steeles 404 wj slftrsoutut store 4 hunt for the culprit who shot ing most convicts is slim four horses in stouffville 18 our animal abuse laws areaurwerepetsofteenagers and one months ago i welcome the fact over the map we have one law was6wned by a senior veterinar- the federal justice ministry opted dealing with cows and horses jjviariv to ievisitthe laws linked to aricl a different law ibrdogsaridvic prosecute abusers crimes against animals cats and again theres a different -xsq- laws inconsistent la birds we have laws for jtlie stouffville case will not v domestic pets and separate laws change the laonjtsownu right now anyone convicted f wildlife there are numerous f yet perhapsthe horse shoots of shooting or injuring a korse is inconsistencies and gaps in our wiclb much to under- k- 1 tlihe the need for a change in the law v the justice minister stated j that a modernized animal abuse law could make it easier to pros- v ecute animal abusers and it could send a message to those involved in the criminal justice system suggesting cruel ty toahirhals cases be treated more seriously as mclellan concludes a new law could function as a more subject to a maximum fiveyear animal protection laws prison term laws neeavtopfo- vide an effective deterrent if you blow a horses head off or wring a kittensiieck you should pay a heftypiice a actually the people who commit such- crimes are sick instead of prisons the perpetra tors should be housed in mental institutions where sadistic behaviour can be examined and whenpossibletreated pro a convicted unlike jailbirds the animal abuser from ever owning an ani- effective deterrent to morally abusersshouldnt be set free nial is under consideration reprehensible behaviour which until the sadistic tendencies j nope it adopted federal threatens not only welfare of r have disappeared simply jailing j minister anne mclellan animals but alsothe moral and- thesepeople would doiitde- recently pointed out that existing physical welfare of society at sincere chances of rehabilitat- penalties appear to do uttleto large holiday hours closed good friday agril 21 glodeahirsuiitfcapril22r sale prices n effect from friday af ril 20 to t hurscfay wmlf r2000 t while quanttneslast v v v r an additional c month later two more horses were gunned down in the same fashion at the same farm ure alagilles s ersons disease stula bylers di er of the liver ase cholangiocai cholecystitis choledocholithia lolesteryl ester s sease coris dis iglernaj jar sync ic diseases of th mbin- johnson synd nconi s syndrome liver focal nodi perplasia galls gaucher s disea gi lber t s syndr i lycogenoses giu vj jjmlt 3c- c fightqver diseases with one donation ttieselarejustafew oftbeover loojiver- related illnesses that threaten the lives of- ihoretban2 million canadian men women and children for 25 years now the canadian liver foundation hasbeen leading the fight against liver disease and to continue we i need your help one simple act of kindness can go so i street i suite 301 torontobhtarfo 18005635483 j ltk r- this 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