v 5 p by usa queen- rsaffwiur palities tobring the debate toiegional councihf the region adopts the bylaw depending you talk toflsmok- b would be pfiasetfff overthe- ing banirryorkrionlseither omthe next few years- j- a 1 y vetge of collapse ortbut to be adopted u to appease pohuaans leery of having byregionalcouncuaslayasjune merlon control the policy frustagho j the latest development played out said the bylaw could have amendments atthursdayslegioiialcsuncilieeting accommodatoglocaloncems is another twt in an already odd for eple one muniqpahty could process adopt a total ban on hghtmg up m pub lie places while another could allow u -u- ti- enclosed ventilated smoking areas chairperson of the regions nosmoking prustaglio who will also meet with task forcp is now attempting to get a gm pub he todiscussa regional bylaw passed a move that has to nto lmovin bil said alienated at least two members of the g was always t6 have a regional bylaw committee t that muiiicipauties could buy into markham councillor ralph aselin ff tnieanv accomodating kfcal f4 p jf concerns aslsng as they supportthe mableyjjaid theyretired of frustaghos 5 of a han ju pmstaguo said-shes- z willing to take that route j crltical point- t weyetrying tobe asfle3ble sxk t v u u- as we can possibly bev she saidradding were npwat a place where this me timmg of yorfekyfawould proba- baroisgomgtototallycollapseoritwdl wy 15 gp ahead asdin said l othj regions ift at a cntical point maybe joyce is l ariideal world we would have a a calculated risk but i m not con- ban but i would rather we fident ityrant blow up in her face 50 cent flft cent sf some a bylaw controlled by the regton died thing is better thanloo per cenf of noth- three years agtf whenmost municipab mg take onestepat a time were not ties refused to support the policy going to go away just because you bring however y regionwide ban on in a bylaw doesntmeari you cant bring smoking in public pkces was resurrect- something more stringent in yeafsto ed last year come t instead of the region controlling the- but aselin fears pushing aregional prohibition this time around yorks bylaw will kill hopes for the banfhe said nine muriicipalitieswbuldeach adopt the prohibition is more palatable if local bylaws amounting to aregionwide councils adopt bylaws after consulting ban j o- with all the players involved pouucalsupportfor a banis fegile markham doesnt want to have because somecouncillors are jworned sorriebociy some in and tell us what to about a possible backlash from business with our bylaw if she goes ahead and owners w jn v meets with mayors and thegta she v fruslagho4s nowuppingthejnter may get everybody so irritated they convincing regional councillors dontwanttodoithesaid thursday to let heqlobby local munici- i know peoplewant us todo it how palities to support a regional bylaw o- we do it is the question we really have to she needssupport from five munici- nurse this along i 1 response rst touring 2000 tires vj v save 40 silverguard esprit h allseason tires made for sears by uniroyalgoodrih these tires feature a 1 00 000 km tread wearout warranty and computer qenerated all season tread design for mud and snow 71000 senes v i pj5580r13 p18575r14 ip19575r14 p20575r14 p18570r14 p19570r14 p20570r15 p22560r16 81 99 1 108 99 113 99 118 99 11399 11999 13199 149 x y 48991 6799 7099 6799 7199 7899 18999 i indudei no charge road hazard warranty car care you can trust seave om dlignmenfs froltl m most vehicles sears reg 4999 includes camber caster and toe check and adjustment as per manufacturers specifications as required check front and rear steering and suspension components shims and rear axte adjustment extra np0430200 visit your nearest searsautornotive centre for your full auto service needs wrut open monfrit730 am900 pm sat 800 am- 600 pm sun12 noon 5 pm v ss t v i 1 r v