f- ajj f 1 r jht rm y i care directory ssiilsi psychotherapy 1 2 weekr small group therapy sessions achristian approach oncdping with anxiety and panicdisorders danny seto mdiv psychotherapist 3 etnafc centreitpessnxtetyhomecom i carpet hsdwodau ceramicsilnstallationa- j repairs- sates 8 serv- reasonable ftates i i i i i 1 i i i hbaft vjgs themarkliam stouffville health care directory- contact kate stover at 18007433353 y f tilr vfc 2 1 hflfl tehsere ffin finding mo testers mil tenders landscapng jv castletony tree farms since 1968- farm grown f cedar hedging all sizes de v livered planted guar- anteedv 1-800-361- 5499 v 3t mccowan firewood v and garden supplies firewood topsoil triple- mix gravel sand mulch delivered pickedup call for pric- ing 9054723724 ce3 s- li-v- v ww request for information sealed bids clearly marked as to contents in envelope provided fortfje contract listed jjelow will be received by the purchasing t department at the town of markham civic centre 01 town centre blvd l3r9w3 k v v closing date april 25 2000 300 pm f contract t description rj rfi0l200 repression of interest- z requallflcatlowvjrf landscape contractors for the site development v 1 oftowriceriter park j r 5 airrfidbcuments may beobtainedfree of charge from the purchasing department unionville entrance r lower levelr lowest or any rfj oranypart any rfiribt necessarily accepted the corporation or the town of markham reserves the right to award to other than the lowest bidderx v katharina kortekaas ba cpp manager purchasing department 905 475471 1 1 the ufliffllol excellence i website wwwcitymarkharhonca ri h tutoring fe545ffihm t1atlrdni tddi iphtiav dadadddaiiai ta rvddaddiatr 1 alun all subjects ages and levels junior genius of- fers highly effective af fordable tutonng 905- 8839023 1-877-883- 9023 wwwirgeniuscom n daycare avajable now s sick or emergency childcare service quali fied caregivers home or yours rn- supervision preregister 18004519698 caregiver markham ftlivem caregiver n housekeeper for elderly couple dnv- ers licence an asset references 905792- 3009 ext24 84pm business services 2l onsite dss card pro- gramming ext 745 message programmed 60 unlooped pro grammed 70 41 6-985- 9432x pager 41 6-442- 5993 l notice of appucation for approvaltoexpropriate land v in the a1atter ofan application by the york region district school board for approval vo expropriate land being that part of lot 18 concession 6 in the town- of markham in the regional municipality of york designated as part 1 plan64r- r 22458- z c for the purposes of a public secondary school site- -i- notice is hereby given that application has been made for approval to expropriate the land described as follows cia that partof lot 18 concession 6 in the town of markham in the regional municipality of yorfc designated as part 1 plan 64r22458 cf si i s y v any ownerof lands in respect of which notice is given wiio desires an iriquiry whether the taking of such land isfair sound and i reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authority shall so notify the approving authority in writing v i- r 1 a in the case of a registered owner served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after the registered owner is served with the noticeor when theregistered owner is served bypublicatioh s s within thirty days after the first publication of the notice b in the case of anowner who is riot a registered owner within thirtydays after the first publication of the notice the approving authority is the yorkregion district school board 300 harry walker parkway south newmarket ontario l3y 8e2 york region district school board -v- expropriating authority t- dr r benson superintendent of corporate services this notice first published on the 11th day of april 2000 3bt m invitation to tender isealedsubmissions clearly marked as to contents for the contract listedbelpw willbe receivedby jhe purchasing department at the utpwnofmarj l contractor description i cqsjntpate it2200ww y2000 relining of cast iron may 3 2000 i ff ductile iron watermainsk 1000 am s i 1 document available on wed april 192000 ka50 ribnrefundable feels required for each tender cheques are jtov be made payable to the town jf markham tender r documentsrmay be p obtained cat the purchasing department fc unionville entrance lower level submissions received afterthe rclosing corporation of the rtown markhamreservestheright toaward to other than the howest bidder 7 v t f t v v katharina kortekaas ba cpp k lmawager- 905 4754711 v markham ir f lholuiiax exceoence 1 taj t website wwwcrtymarkhamonca j irilsa tt jbirttklays yj birthdays s- vil f vwr if you see on april 18th j happy birthday i wl andtribuiie classifieds kcussffead hi hs1 lwf jt 1 tantot york region v wednesday may 1 0th 2000 930 am to 430pm uskmatow parkway toronto north ne corner of hwy 7 lesue a i a a a- 19058531765 m newmarket number ifi booth company name 2 booth company name v j j booth company name terstudie v- future shopit- v313unlngbuildllrevy n 209 ccac of york region kt home garden warehoue v td v 212 dvltralnlng s 312 kelty service j- 1 s 100 institute for computer studies 102 gentiva health services k 104 steelcase canada ltd 2l06pnmerleav4 r213the people bank y- 73 worldwide web institute iimadecco- i 214 emerson hectric canada ltd fc 318dsidalesecuntleslnc 112 pinstripe personnel- vv glstownshoesife 319 job skills hrdc 114 affordable personnel services inc 216 human resource centre u 416hanpower iishcrpersonnelivvrj 1 lv of canada for students 500 international clothier 118 intelllgardethe law enforcement 217 ontario uarchof dimes iv 501 armorpersonnel company j 218 first interaeuvetralnlngfficc 502 drake personnel 200kavaltelecomlnc 219 possibilities project hrdc 503triosconegeoflnfornutlontechnology 201 chats 300 ats reliance 504 seneca job connect j 202 academy of learning 301 cdi college s 505 rogers attwireless express 203 ministry of economic development v licks homeburgers ice cream 506primetech 204 mary kay 303bradsontelestaffing 205teknion furniture systems 306 aoc v 206northtownttchnlcal 307 hinacs worldwide 207 ministry oftralnlng colleges j 308 dupdum corporation s universities 309 institute of technlcaltrades 507 interim personnevnorrell 508 canadian school of natural nutrition slotralnsoft c 512 wendys restaurants inc 514 wendecam group inc- v j gift certificate nnrenistration repnem fop mope bifopmatton contact rose scapin jjli4vis f jil hhhbbhb lhamhaaarihmkariwhbamhuarihuhhnnkdhmadkdimammbhimii j l t m immmammmmm it