saturday april i520og by patrick casey j sfajfjf writer j- o tke canadian alliance is little rhore than a western party that cannot deliver solutions for all canadians progressivecohservativeparty leader joe clark says v- i people are looking for opportunities for a party that can form a national government said clark following a speech at jl 250-a-plate- fundraiser thursday evening fit concord- 7 yj there are only two of those parties the liberals and the conservatives am focusing on the liberals and the future of thecountry f markham mp jim jonesthe only federally elect- ed tory in ontario agreed recentlyjones was criticized by his own riding association for encouraging ridinglevel alliances between the pcs and the alliance but in an inter view before the dinner jones played down the new rightwing party we need a focused game plan and stick to it we are sharingvotes right now with the canadian alliance but whoever gethe swing vote will be the partymatwins joe clark has the qualityand capability to make it happen hesaid the liberals are still enjoying a lot of populari- ty but they aremaking alot of mistakespeople are parking their votes with thvliberals for now but the people of ontario are hoping the conservatives will emerge asthe dominant party jones said clark was in town to wop the 905 area where all staff photomike barrett progressive conservative party leader joe glark talks with former tory mp sinclair stevenvat a fundraising dinner in concord thursday v the former- primeminister added portions to five address including an assertion that fiscal discipline drove john cfosbies 1979 budget a document that led to thedemise of clarks minori- ty government 0 vbut he omitted twolate paragraphs regarding the alliance a party building momentum in ontario with former provincial tory strategist tom long expected to enter theleadership race after 22 ridings went tory bluvin the provincial election oak ridges mpp frank klees pulled out suddenly butonlymarkhamvotedconservativeirithefeder- people think the reform party might alvote suddenly become national by phanging its name in a banquetroom filled with ontario tory c inviting some new members or changing its mpps and federal mps from new brunswick and leader said the speech notes quebec clarks speech spoke of his partys new the reality is that they cannot change their rep- policy- direction and hammered against- prime mutation or thehard political facts they are not minister jean chretiens liberal government as competitive where they need to be lets be blunt well as the controversial sovereignty statements the the former reform party cannot win in ontario pm made during a visitto the middleeast last preston manning at the helm and they cannot week 4 hold the west without him- jt4tibiisgk lu seminarssponsored by anonymous healthvtrel3tlonships women recommended by doctors therapists since 1989 men your age in our safe gfoupvregister early by offer professional lecturesoh the law griefanger hfiy5 and receive discount fee is folly refundable self-esteem- letting 90 children trust sexuality until free preview evenlnj call 4hl2833305x t wmval fkllf ivilflyktk markham aa stouffvillb tm hospital t adult diabetes clinic is pleased to announce that a alew satellite has opened in february 2000 at ballantrae 15400 highway 48 whitchurchstouffville fire station 52 west of 48 north of aurora side road for an appointment to this site call 905 4727527 press 1