v 4 4 t v i v jxv g cvs 4 econbmistsutfrribmuf notable neighbours tjfaafuo6j tkt re foaadad ta 19701 adtr lk ampin f ik hocprfal lor stck stabad by banaaad panoas saadaasti la tto area af ywy d bsimvmbmt ffom taa pfortaalaaal oosmwaky mfw a a rooarcadottlataa dtebpa galaa n 5 aad hi caa lapinliloa mil trailing ol aalt arlp aj oap laarwi dwobr nspomi n n wmu ot w ria j fc j afa il fcmm a docmmsa mb ms botflm jwikn 1bk cm dnl laavppoh 1300696904 this message brought to you asa community service of tr economisttribune r lmiff f m i ch eleg reen j8 n g- 0 iffo ko ld est iimil esses- 1 hi town ontario notice of liquor licence j i application the following establishment has applied to the alcohol and gaming commission of ontario for a liquor licence under the liquor licence act application for asale licence granitegolf o v 2699york durham road 30twp of uxbhdge durharrvtincluding outdoor area c application for additional facilities cornerhouse in stouffville 6403 mam street east stouffville nydoor area f any resident of themunicipality may rrmkewntten submission as to whether thejssuance of the licence is in the public interest having regarajo the needs and wishes of the residents submissions must be received no later than may 12 2000 please include your name address and telephone number if a petition is v submitted to the commision please identify the designated contact person j note v the agco gives the applicant copies of all objections v submissions to be sent to licensing and registration department alcohol and gaming commission of ontario 20 dundasstw 7th floor torontoon m5g 2n6 fax 4163265555 j r email at licensingagcoonca writing for young dancerstobetn green sjutureplans 4thebreak will be a clean one green be carrying on with the dancecentre and her husband who have lived in v some of the families green teaches janet richards j correspondent ichele green has been stouffville for 20 yeara and raised their have knoywi her for18 yeaprs sending twocmdrenhererare moving to all of their children to her classes green caledon teaching dance in x stouffville for 18 years an has decided ifs tirhetox stoilflvillpforlrvparsanhj v si a meets a lofbf the parents offormerstiiv hacdihirtirnpto ivo it wouldbe very difficult to be here dents around town move on and not be involved green says ishe is often amazed to hear that stu- starting but teaching adult fitness fonrier professional dancer herself deri6 she remernbersas little v classes at pthe high school and i sa themost rewarding thmg pfeschbolelfshayelbrieontogetmar- preschool dance at the library greens about her job is that she has madea dif- rfed and have children t r dahbeschoolrelocatedtbtheangucan ference in so many young peoples hves green says she wut miss them and church basement abd then to her own- lii 4 imagines many of them will stay young snidld on main street fothinmlriwlhat i v-v- thedancecentreisoneoftheoldest 4 he things learned here s m stop in my mind she says busuiessesm town and has been in the they can take with j r vi v the creative process is another themintkeirlives -r- pectbfthesmcuogreenvmrniss jf j tii- ithewhole processpf the reatel- i putting together the mainhumber and building behind barthau jeweuers on rrimercial street for 12 years green has been the studios vole n teacher following many young people from their preschool days until they were 19 or 20 i n the time has come to c take a break l along with the dance technique v t coordinating the music and whowill do green says her students learn dedica- whal c r tion anci hard work and how to accom vlt is hd foydfeehputiritb words plish goals r and the families have the things learned here they can meant tprier but shvftopes it will come across to parentsinthp june recital- take with them intheir lives many of her students have contin ued to dance after leaving the schobt some for pleasure and some profes sionally it basically becomes a part of their teaching every day except friday and sunday and adniinistrating the k school of approximately 250 students is iives she says i achallengingjobbut one that green they learn avtappreciauon and love obviously lovesthat is why the deci- f d a good majority incorporate sion to retire from teaching was difficult dance into their lives- for her t r green has found someone to take the time has come to take a break over the dancecentre when she leaves she says- x after this junes recital she has sold thestudio to deborah ivytiatldpandwhatthechildren s ilearn iswhat they see ontkejstage she says j t f i they see trie dedication and love the students have for it whitchurchstouffville minor 2- hockey assbciation po box 976 stoiiffvillw ontario l4a 8a1 rep a 20002001 spring tryouts indicates 112 hours long cost 700hr or 1100 fom 12 hrs team mite n bruceavenlu 64o892iv date april 16th 9 00 am pad a date 6th apnl24th grapada date apnl 29th 900 am mount joy date april 30th t 9 00am f- imouhtjoy wkek april 16thjt apnl18th vjohn trempe 12 00 pm srt 8 00 pmt 6426298 pada- j- vpada u- apnl 29th 1 1000 am 5april30th 1000amrl mount joy mount joy jft minor novice apnl 15th brad stevens a 55 pm 640-7040- padb i apnl 16th v i ioopfn pad a apnl 29th v april 30th oopni 2 00pm x- mount joy mount joy s- f 3mhv- novice- april 16th- apnl25th apnl 29th v april lanmccloud 10 00 am 800prn vlooprrt j- hooami 6408557 pacia pada j mountjoy mount joy minor atom vapril 16tfi grant nesbitt 200pm 6405104 ivvvpada w vapnl24th soopm padat ictapngth april 30th 1100 am 500pm mount joy vj mount joy 7 j atomfvv apnl 15th v i brent gibson rt1155 am 6406578 padb a i v apnl 16th y apnl 29th april 30th 400pm 300pm 1230pm pada r mount joy y mount joy mlnbfpeeweefjbtl5lhi apnl 29th april 30th i rick sbblefil 255 pm r 200pm 888- gb r mv lpad a j mount joy v mount joy be a big brother mwam this message brought to you as a community service of the economisttribune radboumej a stouffville resident who is -adanceteacheruriionvillehigli- school im going tohnvite anyone in the audience whos r ever danced with hie j do come up on stage r l js at theend of this years recital green c green is confident radbburnewill a wante to do something special continue to run the studio hi the way h i m j mvi anyone in the i she has arid has made the decision to audience sever danced with me toj leavealitdevasierforher come up on stage she says v ktnan thnco umn hirl titni ifs a real relief because she really even those who did fitness with believes in what ive been doing ifs sat- f 1 i mink it will be a nice conclusion isfyiftg and a compliment to have her j t v vant to contauemywbrka green says greenwantstotharikauofmepar i j ents throughjthe years who have helped vvhile green says her students were upset whensheannounced her deci- sion to retire many students and par- entsfeel better knowing someone will peewee7ssann 16th ai l- mjn0r bantam aphtlbth i steve spangt 500 pm- 64im694s ilpadat- capnlthra vxpnl25th april 30th ylspih k- 900pm t 630pm bantam i apnl 16th 7 sahbvcartwright 6 00 pm wmi vpada apnl 18th rapnl 25th w 915 pm padairlladb iftpnl29th vc mount joy if bt f l midget t apnl 16th apnl 26th vapnl 27th v april29th uohncarruthersv730pm 915 pm 1000pm v v 530pmv 6492125 pad ayr padbfl v pad bj f mount joy v r mfdgetaejoecornnachla 8410093taugust tryouts juvenile aa aaaj dave boyd 6404240 august tryouts r uxbridge stoufville 27409 6422927 take the fear outrof taxes wwwhrblockco but behind the scenes as class represen- tativesr j vj rrkeymake my life easier at the recitalithejpre behind the scenes andi they never get recognized- 4 ibeing involved with what yourchil- dren aredpingls very important y faltriough sheis risked to a bleak dur1 s ing the slimmer green wonders how v s yyfe will feel come august when she t would normally begearirig up for the yearv v wtrrfsure ill have that creative itch shesays j r luckily the hbusethe greens kave bought needs some work and reribva- v tionsand michele hopes the work will provide a creative outlet for her i with dance having been part of her life since she was younggreen doesnt j feel shecah give it up completely i 1 ill rest for a whuetherfril probably do something in dance but not in a7f teaching capacity t green vio used to include books in her prescriool classes thinks she might dren jo i would liketo wnte spme simple i book on viat a dahceclass is aboucbr jmaybeaslnausenesofbboksthat s- would teach young children whattb expect iv a v- v green says she will miss stouffville the seriseof community and the sup- port of the parents she has kriowhover the years ir 1 i hope they feel the time ive spenti wimmeirmdreh is worthwhile 1 -t- b- v iii p i 4 4 v 1 t n i i i h n i if- i i v j