decision on upifaihgm j could be made as early wnexfmhnth t by patrick casey x slated t construction next c- staff writer j yeavrtknintli line project odlsfor a a finals decistoa ccrfcernihg tre fourjan roafwth a contouous left ireconstructioh of the ninth line turn lane from hwy 407 to 16a avenue ibetweefimarkham and -whitchurch- i- r 5 f v stoufiviue willbe made next month- major mackeednve plus a twolane cdespitea local councillors intention to 4 m mackenzie to main ssi j u i iui i street in stouffviller sale prices end sun apr 16 or where sears is closed sat apr 15 2000 while quantities last shelve the project until at least the end of june in january the region delayed j t- v r held project manager paul jankowsla iplaints from local residentsconcemed 33 t mju t v a fr r v said improvements to the jninth line are the widening will bnnff additional traffic n f i- values mmm fare new resi forthe g x 4s is regional colleagues today andthe trafl ttitsdahes therejhavebeen traffic stii3iescaf3f roddhandlert plus tires made for sears by michelin fantastic savinqs on roadhandler t plus tires witrr24hour roadside tire assistance v f tor your peace or mind 51 000 series y x v welafestiiyooking at atnjberofemafanbypttieywmbeconn lmdisuetstreet f r although landon had hoped to delay regional chairperson bill fischrsaid a decision until asecond public hearing vthe transportation committee should 1 rniilh hp hplh at thp rporinns hpadniiaf mofao finol opicmn ottovivmootinnrtkl s t 1 l mwrvomf jfj j not om i w j v r v ri v for a free- quotauoriand get youf v v weelcenhs off s- 1 t 9 pushthisprocessfisck said jhej residents should start tliinking abjpiit jj iu changesof thejoadway sv c 1 0 ssrtnf l scarborouqh7 f t n 69115s1 li v jy wwwclintarcom v np042b2doxw jt t t- fjc8to- i f f 1 t gomesseememanysides of sears it visit yournearest sears automotivexentre for your full auto service v o chnno rn cealacafarv caare dmmonaha at rrn odritrae c t- fee kt i ri r i tt