i v rf i y- v you are invited customer infoiiriation seminar sponsored hy the whitchurchsfouffville hydro electric commission the electricity market is changing by this november you can choose your electricity supplier get the answers beforehand r -vv- vv l what will my hew electricity bill look like r should iconsider purchasing electricalpdwer from a retailer whatshould i look for and avoid in a power contract x whatif i cant decide r i r tuesday april 18th 2000 j- tuesday may 23rd 2000 l 700 r 900 pm v latchamhally 8 park drive for further information please contact the whitchurchstouffville hydro electric commission at905v6401902 v i sweepinj3 the public works departmentwillsbfevcommencinefthe sweeping of hardtop surfaced roads weather permitting v during the weekof april 10 2000land isschediiled to be completed toy may 19 2000 this work will involveihev iombined eff ortsf of staff arid the sweeping contractor dale barren andson trenching limited- v -i- f v whitghurchrstouffyille f v publipilibrary 1 1 tjr -cmv- or f 130 pm r thfrwihhp sthfiieslaarrips a craft and public works department the public wjorks department is accepting applications for the followmg positions f vvj ul k 3- v j temporary labourer h4 thisposijipn a tempbrarunionized position that will not exceed six mohthsthe rateof ayls 12r215 per houfeffective aprillst200b v ss i the required to work outside of regularworkmgihoursandipossess a valid class dz- drivers license preference wilkbeeiven to applicants who have jexpenencemithemamtenance ofpublic works infrastructure seasqnalfututime labqurer 2000 thetfateofcvay for thisoositionis 750 825 per hour based oh experiences v s v 1 thesuccessful applicant shall possess a valid class g drivers hcense 7 t standby crossing guards interested persons shall be able to work oh an- on call basis at one of thefive crossing locations in the community of stouffvillev the rate of pay for thisiposition is 1257 per hour v individuals interested inthe abovepositions are invited to submit their resume or application appropriatelymarkedasto the position applying for no later than friday april 14th 2000 to the attention- of the administrativeassistantin theclerks department n r t- applicatibnformsare available inthe clerks department for mrthermformationplease contact trie public works department wvthankallapplicatjtsandadvfsethatbnly those selected for an interview will be j sontacteldpersonalinformation is collected under the legarauthority of the municipal act i v rs0 1990 c m45asamehdedand will be used to determine ehgioility foremployment questions aboutthis collection of information should be directed to the town clerk all v applications received will be retained on file for a period of six months communitand leisure r f f sva services department the community v leisure services department vis accepting applicatidnsf6reollowwgpqsitions rnumbsare limited so please pre early yrvjj avi tj hreousmstructioriguafding experience skate park supervisor 925 per hour previous experience working with youth v abletoworlc eveningweekend shifts supervisory experience in a customer service environment r j interested persons- x invited to f submit their presumeapplications appropriately marked as to position applying for ho later than- friday april 14th 2000 to the fcdmmisfrativv department r application forms are available in the clerks department vofncesreor further information please icontacti the igommunitand leisure services department 7 sssj 7yjsf wrxy- vff j wethankallapplicants and advise only those selectedjor aninterview 4 be contacted personal information js collected under the legal authority of the municipal act rso 1990 cm45 as amended and will be used to determine eligibility for employment questions about this cbllectibnof information should be directed to the town cleric at 905 6401900 or 8952423all applications received will be retained on file for a period of six months s y t 37 sandiford drive 4th floor stouffville l4a 7x5 townofwsinterlogcom automated lines 905 6401910 905 8955299 drop off box at west entrance mh