t t i t i -v- iij j sir -jysifs- hockey stouffuille clippers select mite p1ator5 best of sixpoint c0ns01ai10n chamhwbhip sewb- r march 30 h mgh 4 gpod games bom courtney hurnphne james kirk and sarah rogers faneate homes j good games from adam kbstandoff dylen coding and cassandra stanton mchellels 5 good games ftom marcel cemc steven pawtuck maches pnce mash 1 good games tram colai gluecmer wfeslie come and lee come noma 8 good games ftom sydney mann- kyle raymer brett hembmflscnel lumber a n0wceplayoffsu v money concepts 6 nolan beno 3 goals jeff raymer 2 gpak brandon cauousj goal drew grasse and patnck raymer 1 assist each ross drain financial t tseraces5 evan bruno 4 goats oavxl morawietz 1 ckers icatan categhan and ene bmm moller 4 t metro vva 4 juan moule and alex powell 2 lait lel joshua manson joseph deveny chanete games from andrew muimead ryan daniels andtbm jjfcrj bruce t preston and bucky pelosse 1 assst each shell lumber 0 ws firefigitfiis 5 jordan lofthouse 1 goal and 1 3ssst peter baros jesse shanhand and jesse ccwel goal eachdeanjgiueckler ken boyd matthiew bourgganand mavenck mm 1 assist each decor distinction scott laws and braydon petdfer 2 goals tart hassard 1 assist uxbndge 3 coppers win the consolation championship v 19992000 season esso fouve earned ur stripes awards most dedicated david betoff mike robinson most imrjroved chaneoe hassard michael mmgay ntost sportsmanlike v shawn hulshof carson trempe houseleaoue h0cketsch00l stevens t lykeplayoffs v apr1l1 j houston ford 10 uoyd davis 4 goate peter wideman 2 goals evan vidjnu joshua davis brandon hariey v jarnesmriodthortons4andrewlger2go3b joshua king harrison radersma kytech machine m vvprks 7 matthew ladoucer 4 brodie rrvers christian biftef ms credit union 4 russell zarzeczry 2 david j gregory 2 ec fljefs 8 david betott4 jesse godin 2 each jiniiel selmanovski 2 assists scott bolton and yv mark vvhrmngstall 1 assist each legion 459 4 paul geiger 2 goalsl brandon king 1 goal daylevyilkinsonl goal and 1 assist superior water conditioning 3 aaron king 3 goals dave belli assist f gnc general nutrition centres bring your health and wellness questions to the knowledgeable staff at gnc for people on the go we recommend active life formula sv herbs and vitamins glipps sail off dtk tim u iports digest the stbufiville electricians union local353fair t insurance brokers ltdcobequid life sciences rminor peewee clippers captured tbe i i rj bestoffive york simcoechampv nri onship championship with a 3 win oyer first fourgameswima3lwinmtner2l5kto pherboroughuisundayvtatletilt i finale ipp timshihgwithathirdplacefnark i n w 4 the clippers won the first two of 13910 rjiestarsqualified for thes games53 and 51 before losingthe third game 61 championship tournament by scoring for the clippers were mark sullivan five defeating etobicoke 32 arid 4- 1 and goals one assist kevin rainbow and matt mulder then edging burlington 21 in its two goals two assists cameron allan two goals semifinal encounter v one nathaniel maftihjhe goal four assists backedbysttongnetmmdingfromlizknoxthe kyle buckley one gotiireetassists brook stachel stars received a solid effort along the blue linetrorfi l three assists alex brurio two assists devon ashley lucas erin pappas emily bradford7leali l mcdougall one goal one assist trevor greenham leonhardt and renee blanckard t cjames castle and daniel james one assist adam- igniting the offencewere shannon blackman davis andjryan allen handled goaltehding duties erica burgess erin carter stephanie giliberto -c- t- v shannon hagarty laurie mclellan hayley peewee stars skate home with title mcmeekin cassandra sparks and sarah magee i theleamwill finish the year witlit6umaments mm j jv f t f ineieam 11 vfthe markham stairs captured the in stouffvilleaiid brampton as well ascompete in north metro girls hockev peewee a the provincial championship in mississauga v o- ivw i york region ydtir community career choice serving york reeion through ute erabanner liberal theeconomist sunj jfhe tnbune careers gt t r v careers y rareerspl careers si vvie are a pros river glen haven nursing home a long term care facility in sutton assistant director of care piverglenhaven nursing f home ispart leadjng or ganization imltongvjeitnlcarewhicliihas been in operation forthelasf25yearswearea company rnownifdrjitsycorhmitmentto providing excellence inlong term icareriver glenchaveri is j accredited facihtya valued and integral friemberlof the cbmmunitywe are an outstanding longteifm caresfacility that cares for j1 1 9 resi- deritskriverglenhaveiv issituated 307minutes north of newmarket in the town of suttbncurrehtlyriweare looking foradynamic of caretoiassistand lead 6urinursingdebartrhe7ifmhitsc3mmitmenttolexcellence in ongtermcare -wwfcv- tsuccessfut applicant musthavetexpenence in long teitri a working khowledgeioccufrentlegislatjpn aria havefcurrerit registratidnf rdm the college 6f of ontariohaveexperience in management 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