-rfij- v r news s v 13 hi clifiea16 knewxdiansfacet iemploymentmurdles no matterhow extensiveis 10 cents including gst 20 pages tuesday april 4 2000 to reach us 9052942200 lf v wan maycgome a slice of farming j leadership underdog seeks million y i v by jennifer brown staff writer hes being touted as the one to jbeat preston manning but frank- skleesjwas sutlcounung the peng niesin his war cjiesuyesterday 7 concerned the financial support may not be there for has bid to be the first leaderqf the canadian s yyuanoe partjv ilfvv vlateyestefday afternoohfthe oak ridges mppjsaidlkeihas reservations abotiriaunching his v campaign without a firm 3 mil- lion in the bank r t l despite media repoftslhat helj has already raised 3 mdkpnfor histcampaighj fund kleessaidv phone calls were still beingrnade yesterday to potential contribu- torsiifdiehdiielof drumming up enough lastminute pledges i f suppbrti iyz iii wontgetoutpf jhe starting blpcksif the funds arent there trierejis abit ofa reality check going on today im- optimistic vandhppemitvmbethere ifnot 4yesl willbeldisappointed but j willhave no less passion for the 1 tohold a press conferenceatnoontoday at queens park to announce his tv been assumedkieeshadtboth the manpower and financial support required tolaunchsa leadership campaignforjthe newly formed partybuta lastminute account- ily i ty pbollibraryplahs kpqnded after j- complaint dropped v seekleespagcl3 staffvhotosjcjerd witteveen i starting today students from across york region will joirirebecca emprihgham4 and scott redsnaw6jat themarkfiam fairgrounds jn the annual pizza project where children learn about the importance of farmers in the making of a favourite food see page 16 for the full story by joan ransberry staffiwrtter c residents opposed to stoiiffvilles 5 7miilion pool and library complex are ques- rioning why a plan to add a fit ness centre has suddenly resur- faced j s v when aratepayersjgroup 1 called residents information group rig dropped an zt- 7v ontario municipal board wayneemmersoniadditiqnpf appeal last week the 650000 fjtnesscefttre willbeidebtecpat centre wasnt included r 4yy meeting s but jcouncd is to jc v debate today whether the fit- major complainedute town 1 ness centre which would has ahistbiyqkpptkeepuig increasethe total cost to about residents lnformedabqutfthe t 6 3 million should be includ- comple v sff1 eel in the complex t v theres been a lackof plan- why was this not part of rung and a lackpf cqrnmuni the ohginak plan where are eating with the publfc from the j the documents tosubstantiate velry beginning majprsaida the need for such an addon but councillor sfciesheirban lasked rig spokesperson said a fitnesscehtre hasbeen jeanne major part of the complex au along- we started out asjust a v itfimesscentiewasihthe leisure pool then it was a com- ongihal planiandfdurfnglthe bined fourlane pooiwith avpublicmeetihg r cj v- 1 ci m i 2 4 i seefitnessfpagelz mercedes benz i ass- tjstr 1 47flfe60 c 5 vrxt fihahcial services insur deposit rates j s t 4500 5650 6250 6350 lo change iglcs rrspsimutial funds ue insurance bfufsv ken prentice cfp oringvroocfdrslajflville 1 4 a l i 4 jl