c- siepeopleshntob jaf vsf uv- v- ffz oh a mission outreach pfogrameducatesx- people about hmltrtcare alicia gordon v correspondent f irstyearjnedical sident mala arasu isrfieadirig to belize to improve the quality of life in die t impoverished country arasu 21 will join four other hied- ical students one nursing strident and a life science student to spend time help- ing rural doctors the program will also allow other students tt provide services in ghana and reserves in s northern ontario the university of toronto gradu- ate who earned ah honours degree turesamshehas to help people hving always had a keen wnshed interest in interna- countnes tional development and learning about underprivileged areas t as an undergraduate in toronto 7 arasu had the opportunity to spend four months in a rural village in south 1 india c t t rv sne spent time working in a relief j centreand taught a class of apprifad- mately200smdents give thecliildren ah 6p6rturutyitoanf education they might otherwise not f f have nowstudyingmedicmeatpueens v fc j univereityfthe markhawnatjve said j- takingpart inthe medjcal outteachpro- gram in bejizewiu giye hertlisopportu- nity to spendtinie witii the people edu catrnglheni about nutritionfirstaid- i iiwhelaldiseaspreventionaricl treat unidnviileartistdonald campbeirv annual show cele- brates spring at the kathleen gormley mckay art centre on main street unionvillejthis weekend today and tomorrow between 11 amand 5 pm visitors to the gallef can view campbells original oils watefcolours and prints that feature pastel hues jandtrich jewel tones j v many of theartists natural settingsreflectv gardeners j pafadise i mi-si- central air conditioners starting from- v ihstallationiiicluded spring special on gas furnace vycutfeitili2aiidweed h anomef ihiimtejcau today for afreet t iquotationahd get your weekeiulsoff f r 24 hour service hww5co0ujdo v wft estimate j w4397155 vv v4 mldlan avenuescarborougk ontariq tel 141291 1 61 1 y v r t wwwchntarcom rv pat robinson s- 1 r 7 k tv scheduled to depart on may 23 arasu will be spending six weeks shift- r u ing from familyto family and also teaching groups of schoorchildren recogndtjie eworld health inc trustee in bankruptcy ccillfora free personal discussion- ly i help with creditor problems k proposal to creditors patrobinsonraiisree 4 personal busiiiessbankruptcy financial counselling j j i richmond hill 9555 yohgestol atweikckt 905 5089493 v aurora v 15105 yongest 905 7272577 milx 445 sheppardpji s vo 4108 s- toll free 4 1777272577 emad patpatrobinson com web wwwpatrobinson corny j im paying more for less plus a monthly fee c j ahexpehoftwshiprhoweveris s f vfinadal sbpprtervcidaanid the sjuf tdens are lodkufgtorionations from y og thi rnmmiimfvtn nnsfit the evnens6s r it n anyone interested in helping can make cheques payable to queens medical outreach wachs a u s registered chanty for more details on sponsbnng y i the trip call mala arasuaffeis 533 5943 v ttwiiuymcpgiilpngwig z vmetrafafcccss charge a flatratejpf 14 95 qliis tax for its basic service from stoiiirviue jp t nlarkhamanduxfingethbscecoversthegr i can have 2 way reverse calling tv v is alsooffcrexpandedacxsstoanyorauoftlicfollowingareas jvv r r kivburlington2 orangeeamoncoolonewitievbraord- vy- r 5 udora mount albert port perry 6hawav1iitbbrooklin ir t r businektes2295a f metroaccess offersreverse cxnanded service from anvrtrhere in ourexnanded area ro the k oryouccan sign up for a free trial on our webs1te4 3