cov vn i8zis sijmtjht svffi5pftviid vywxpa economist sunlstouffuille tribune saturday march 4 2000 os monday to friday st6o am to 600 pm 1 800f7jlf35vt6rbnto line 4jli0l28 5 generalhelp m generalhelp m generalhelp drivers wanted drivers with az license required some manual work call john 9057801488 multimedia company in markham requires person for rentals shipping receiving deliv eries av installation aptitude would be an asset car required apply to box 4622 co the markham economist 9 heritage rd markham l3p 1m3 attend a market research survey consumers of all ages needed to participate in groups conducted in the toronto area to give opinions on products and issues fee paid for participation to register please call 4162830077 chouinard bros roofing requires office assistant entry level position for fast paced roofing company good written and oral communication skills computer skills filing and tele phone relief reply to fax 9054798305 markham an evangelical christian organization that supports individuals with devel opmental disabilities is recruiting ap plicants to work with people living in stoufrville you must be able to work as part of a caring team while up holding the rights jand choices of people in a way which values peo ples differences you must also be adaptable and calm in stressful situa tions a 6month contract is availa ble 16 hours 117 every other weekend commencing at the end of march interested applicants should send their resume to gloria armstrong 33 chaffey st suite 301 huntsville on p1h 1j4 fax 7057897042 we thank all that respond but only those appli cants who qualify for an interview will be contacted applicants must have a valid drivers license and be willing to work shifts including evenings weekends application deadline march 1000 earn 200 300 500 or more per week assembling products in the comfort of your own home send a self addressed stamped envelope to oph 62400 dundas st west suite 541 ref 694 mississaiiga ont l5k 2r8 xebec xebec canadas premier provider of electronic imaging datatomall and filmbased imaging solutions is seeking dynamic individuals to fill the following operators xebec is looking or people eager o develop a career in a fast paced rewarding environment complete training will be offered to all inexperienced operators an ability to work shifts is essential xebec offers a comprehensive benefits package competitive remuneration progressive technology and tools and provides a stimulating environment for all employees by providing necessary motivation empowerment and recognition ol achievement we thank all applicants in advance but only those under consideration will be contacted xebec imaging services inc 2637 14th ave markham on l3r 0h9 attn corporate recruiter email 1op202020xebecca fax 9054709233 no phone calls no agencies pleasei si generalhelp parttime cake decorator required for busy bakery person should have 1 year experience dec orating cakes and must be able to work flexible shifts including week ends pastry experience an asset drop resume off at costco wholesale 1 yorktech drive markham attn bakery manager octacom limited woodbine north of hwy7 person wanted fulltime for busy imag ing and retrieval department must have data entry experience and a good command of english language both written and verbal this job requires at tention to detail must be familiar with pc operating environment some heavy lifting required fax resume to octacom limited attn omoss department 9054740992 for further info call 9054740474 warehouse help wanted 850 hr mccowan hwy 7 area call 9054778899 ext 230 golf course requires gooks wait staff course maintenance staff experience necessary with good com munication skills and excellent custom er service skills must be able to work flexible hours bathurst glen golf course 12481 bathurst st richmond hill on l4e 2b4 fax 9057731627 super in- tendant wanted part time position some clean ing and main tenance inter ested fax to karl 9054749856 sleepy hollow g 3 country clubs seasonal employment 5 waitstaff bartenders m phone k 2 9056402426 h fax 9056420308 timsbsssksntmsss painters helper required must have 5 years ex perience and be able to work inde pendently wag es negotiable call mike 9052940779 hairstylist wanted part- time or fulltime no frills haircut- ters 1 mint leaf gate 16th markham rd call marie 9052944299 or 2946622 if you have a wish to buy sell or rent classifieds is money well spent 18007433353 or 416 7987284 55 housesforsale j open houses lotsacreages woodville- 2 build ing lots 80x200 each town services septic 25000 each call 905- 8309044 after 5pm officebusiness space 10000 sqft basement available in a busy markham plaza eleva tor located at markham road hwy 7 905294- 7889 900 sqft office space available in a busy markham plaza located at hwy 7 markham rd elevator 9052947889 business opportunities fun flexible business for moms discovery toys educational toys books games soft ware free information package 905513- 6115 hair salons available- fully equipped mark ham newmarket call connie homelife5 star 4166336666 mortgage loans mortgages availa ble- prime rate to 10 years commercial and residential seconds for debt consolidation 9056496386 1 1 apartments j torrent 14th kennedy- fur nished 1 bedroom basement bright ac cv se fireplace pro fessional mature adult nonsmoker no pets 750 inclusive april 1st 9054793797 b a l l a n t r a e 1200sqft bright upper level separate en trance one bedroom fridge stove included 750 inclusive april 1st 9056400754 brimley steeles- 2 bedroom basement apt 720 inclusive no smoking no pets im mediately 905470- 2858 hwy 7 robinson- main floor 2 bedroom home appliances laundry facilities no smoking pets 1050 12 utilities 905471- 7979 9054751145 leave message markham- bright spacious 1 bedroom den 112 baths sepa rate entrance parking 800 also room to rent 9054714751 stouffville new one bedroom basement apt with 2 appliances parking no smoking pets 675 inclusive 9056422132 stouffville sp clous one bedroom basement apt laundry cable utilities included nonsmoker 725 9056426547 mortgage loans mortgage loans 10 minutes north oi un- ionville bungalow with 6 acres on picturesque river setting near presti gious vandorf 299500 best value in area no agents 9057130781 unionville- one of a kind 5 bedrooms 2 separate living quarters 495000 sat sun 11am4pm 905-479- 0050 money access no credit investigation confidentiality required to be approved rrsp or rif lira 20000 up financing pension plan from an exemployer we act as consultants on your projects call toll free 18886571062 fax 1-888- 7031492 7 days a week il apartments j torrent stouffville one bedroom basement apt laundry separate en trance cable parking 850 inclusive april 1st 4166775032 stouffville- 1 bed room basement bach elor 675mth first last no smoking pets available immediately 9056407246 stouffville- bright pine raised 2 bedroom basement laundry ca ble parking no pets smokers 775 9056421994 sunset blvd stouff- ville attractive 1 2 bedrooms clean bright modern building close to all amenities rent from 680 hydro parking included 1 bedroom available im- mediately 2 bedroom- april 1st 905640- 3750 houses for rent century home 2 bedrooms country- kitchen main st mark ham 1300 utilities in cludes property mainte nance 9054714172 vandorf road 7th line 3 bedroom winter ized cottage available may 1st 995 plus util ities 9058893260 townhouses torrent hwy 7 wootten way beautiful 3 bedrooms family room available april 1st 1300 utilit- iesj9 ipi- rooms for rent mf wanted stouffville room share kitchen bath room 400 nonsmok er 1st last references available immediately 9056422066 41 66 wtj shared accommodation markham- furnished room parking shared facilities nonsmoking short or long term 450 month immedi ate 9054726799 stouffville- 3 rooms in furnished house shared facilities pool laundry prefer nonsmokers available immediately 905640- 8108 leave message vacation properties march break week- deerhurst resort huntsville 2 bedroom luxury condo march 11- 18 use of resort facili ties 1600-905473- 1214 i articles for sale n articles for sale why rent to own a 27 tvfor110mth you can get a 27 tv computer plus a camcorder or stereo system all for only 99mth january special snowblower 10hp 6820mth 18002679466 hay round bales no rain stored inside 20 at barn 25 delivered locally ballantrae 9056403233 kitchen cupboards white melamine with natural oak handles in cludes double stainless- steel sink great condi tion 500 obo call sunday 9054776457 piano- kimball metal frame upright excel lent condition 900 firm call after 730pm or weekend 905940- 3062 rangehood fan new best offer trash compactor kenmore best offer 905887- 1477 after 7pm i firewood allburn firewood 100 hardwood dried 2 years 70 facecord 175 bushcord cut split delivered 905- 83 qfl tv radio stereo absolutely best pri ces audio tv vcr and appliance repairs free estimates war ranty 4162666122 or 9052018181 fl pets supplies j boarding labrador puppies- ckc registered shots dew claws micro chip ped dewormed hip eye certified 905473- 2030 hlkj carswanted bed- queen head footboard orthopedic mattress set new in plastic cost 1200 sell 525 4167269885 cash paid for scrap cars and trucks we al so sell parts don mills steel 9058875821 aa auto cars trucks we pay 50- 10000 on spot any condition year 24hr 7days 9056865003 articles wanted articles wanted iiantedl gar seats cribs strollers exersaucers gates etc 5051 hwy 7 across from markyilie 4791869 j trucksforsale beds- new king 298 queen 158 double 138 single 108 fu tons bunkbeds head boards dinette sets discounted prices free delivery 416485- 2764 cherry 11pc dining suite 92 table chip pendale chairs new boxed cost 13000 sacrifice 5750 4162550285 compubooks- larg- est selection of pc mac books at bargain discounted prices 9054707175 or 4164956624 dating services a beautiful spring day is that much better if you have someone special to spend it with misty river introductions markhams traditional matchmaker- 416-777- 6302 singles golfing- sin gles aged 4059 week end group golfing www fairwaylinkscandacom httpfairwaylirikscana- dacom or call 1-888- 8448944 home improvements carpet hardwood ceramics installation repairs sales serv ice reasonable rates work guaranteed call khushru 4166777555 furniture refinish- ing- restore your furni ture to its original beau ty hand stripped free estimates ian 1-800- 8562045 h handyman kitchens bathrooms ceramic tiles finished basements rubbish re moval interior painting and handyman serv ices jnr 905472- 9430 moving storage moving truck2 men houses apartments condos small large local longdistance short notice negotiable rates ken 416656- 5307 n drapes upholstery h drapes upholstery 92 s10- ext 4 wh dr cap 107000kms bedliner standard cd 8000 cert obo 9056403338 domestic help available cleaning lady avail able for markham stouffville and union- ville areas call kris hoover 9056402950 sparclean house- cleaning services- thorough cleaning is our aim sparkling is where we get our name 60 up to 3200 sqft cell 4162197569 try the best roulas white glove were the original often imitated never duplicated cell 4167069284 adult viim personals lonely college girls were a little shy but lots of fun looking for fun guys to turn up the heat anytime 1-900- 4515955 72min 18 custom home sewing design drapes valances fitted slip covers your fabric or ours call 9056264410 daisys window de cor custom drapes venetians verticals rollup blinds balloons swags bedspreads headboards daisy 9052948944 mccowan firewood and garden supplies firewood topsoil triple- mix gravel sand mulch delivered pickedup call for pric ing 9054723724 ing90 courses canadian school of natural nutrition- free information session march 9th 630- 800pm to reserve space 9057370284 h daycare available experienced quali ty reliable daycare my home brimley dem- son beside st francis randall schools non- smoker 9054755421 experienced relia ble daycare my home all ages welcome la block from st edward school 9054726479 loving mom- former rna ece 15 years experience full part time drop off and pick up from school infants welcome 905294- 8434 daycare wanted operate your own home day care business with wee watch we provide a regular pay cheque paid statutory holidays paid child sick days resource materials craft supplies some equipment all advertising to join please call 4799671 parttime babysitter needed after school care for 6 yr old boy asap 9054729564 caregiver experienced child care required- my home unionville area parttime weekdays references required 9059469781 need a nanny house keeper free sponsor ship of filipina nannies available local caregiv ers available wanted ece drivers licence an asset millenium care givers 9057273884 nannies liveinliveout live out nanny for 2 girls 3 and 6 full or part time unionville 9059470259