economist sunstouffville tribune tuesday feb 29 2000 17 york region care e r s your community career choice serving york region through the erabanner the liberal the economist sun the tribune careers careers careers inside technical sales we are looking for an inside technical sales representative to process inquiries liase with suppliers prepare quotations gain and enter orders experience in the sale of mechanical products is required candidates must possess excellent communications and interpersonal skills a professional telephone manner be organized and self motivated to handle a steady and varied work load good computer skills and the ability to communicate in french are definite assets a competitive compensation package is offered i please fax resume to i 9057275496 fc k skilled technical help skilled technical help supervisor required to oversee the warehouse and distribution operation for a mark- ham company duties to include shipping receiving permanent fulltime position with benefits strong written verbal communications skills required computer skills an asset experience required fax resume to 9059404760 office help office help pt data entry clerk must be computer literate and fluent in english 8hr please fax resume to attn nancy 9054794459 receptionist customer service part time position at buttonville airport monday friday 1100 am 200 pm must have excellent communication skills fax resume to personnel 905 4778053 office manager required for swimming pool compa ny must be computer literate abil ity to thrive in a fastpaced team environment is a must please fax your resume with cover letter to 9056405147 international home foods canada inc manufacturer of such categoryleading brands as chef boyardee and pam has an immediate opening in our markham office at highways 7 404 for the fallowing position recfftionist accounting clerk responsibilities include handling switchboard for this 25person office processing mail and courier packages preparing bank deposits collating sorting cheques filing reconciling accounts and light kitchen duties applicants must possess a postsecondary degree or diploma excellent communication skills and be proficient in lotus and excel we offer a competitive salary comprehensive benefits package and opportunity for growth please forward your resume in confidence to our niagara falls office human resources specialist international home foods canada inc 4825 pettit avenue niagara falls ontario fax9053562633 strangesmihfcca wo thank all candidates for applying however only those under consideration will be contacted skilled technical help kennedy mb autobody autobody tech nician req imm- ed for busy bodyshop locat ed in markham specializing in mercedes benz exc wages benefits fax resume 9054728280 g office help accounts payable data entry full time in markham fax resume 19056559275 nm general help counter help dry cleaners mature parttime evenings sats flexible min wage call 9am500pm 9054772773 counter person for dry cleaning store part time markville dry cleaners call 9054723507 general ware house telephone stock keeping parcelling experience an asset inquiries to manager po box 3051 mip markham ontario l3r 6g4 wanted we are a busy household in markham with 3 chil dren we need a nan- nychauffeurtutorclea ning lady all in one must be between 30- 50 own car outgoing well spoken good work ethic team play er uve out can 905- 4150313 to set up ap pointment or lax re sume to 905-415- 0316 salary commen surate with experience office help office help administrative assistant required for engineering firm con struction admin department profi ciency in ms office excellent organ izational skills ability to work with minimal supervision duties include typing issuing correspondence filing data management and field office ad min support send your resume to lauren moore fax 9058824399 or email coleshermanurscorpcom license and account controller markham bingo country sponsors association requires an individual with bookkeeping experience to manage the licenses and accounts for the association must have indepth knowledge of agco terms and conditions for running a lottery proficiency with lotus 123 and strong problem solving ability part time position up to 15 hours per week fax resume to 9054724128 receptionist secretary immsdiate opening with well estab lished graphics company must be computer friendly various clerical duties warden denison area fax resumes to 9054751807 s hi l sales person c stadia indtria md x the candidate must demonstrate excellent communication presentation skills combined with an ability to determine new opportunities with established accounts able to develop business relations quickly the candidate will be responsible for the development and mam tenance of four hundred contacts in the proper ty management industry involved in measuring small projects cold calling trade associations proposals assets or familiar with architec tural drawings commercial door hardware au tomatics revolvers glass curtain wall win dow framing valid drivers license tel 9058414421 ext 1057 ipc computers is looking for outside sales reps full time base salary plus commission fax resume to vanessa 9054726633 markham dodge chrysler immediately requires sales consultants we offer large inventory high traffic strong management support excellent commission plan you are a highly energetic career minded and enthusiastic individual who works well iri a team atmosphere you also possess strong customer satisfaction skills and strong closing skills previous chrysler experience an asset but not necessary call or fax gren callen sales manager tel 9054711500 fax 9054717682 sales help agents 1 sales help j agents sales reps to sell to schools and groups school vacations and summers off suits parent with school aged children flexible hours 18002681250 ext 3209 commission based sales representatives to introduce new technology in air purification maybe of interest to individuals with health care background fax resume to 9059479623 email ase2000pathcomcom hospital medical dental hospital medical dental dental asst receptionist required for busy markham ortho dontic office part time full time some experience required harp certified fax resume to 9058815933 opportunities at green gables manor rpn permanent ft evenings alternate weekends experience in long term care an asset replies to administrator green gables manor rr 2 stoiiffvilie on l4a 7x3 fax 9056400995 no phone calls please receptionist for oral and maxillofacial surgeon in markham full time weekdays only computerized appointment bookings reception ar and general admin duties 80 wpm excellent penmanship and pleasing telephone manners mandatory call 9059461565 optometric assistant required for busy practice in stouffville part time leading to full time prior experience not necessary technical computer team and people skills an asset please apply to box 4621 co markham economist sun 9 heritage road markham ontario l3r1m3 teaching opportunities teaching opportunities 0 supply staff needed ece diploma only need apply for our york region child care centres fax resume to 9053058976 wwwfamilydaycarecom h general help j generalhelp sewing machine operators ft exper preferred competitive wages benefits apply in person 955 middlefield rd unit 1 or call ms leung at 416- 2986998 y generalhelp h generalhelp us flatbed curtain side drivers required for trucking firm northwest of toronto must have us experience clean abstract professional attitude appearance call charlie 18002684620 landscapers needed seasonal and full year positions available as early as april 3 2000 applicants must be able to work long hours and in extreme weather conditions we need someone who is punctual reliable and hardworking fax resume by march 6th 9059402111 golf course jobs full time seasonal and students meadowbrook golf club call 9058871278 and ask for brian jocus educational toys moms caregivers educators supple ment your family income representing our new line of quality affordable toys games puzzles and craftsthrough home parties fundraisers catalogue sales cad 18003614587 ext 8496 baw foot grass mimii inn fffir iiiiiwuiiir i n it please use reference when applying lawn technicians earn base salary bonus over 30k potential landscape experi ence an asset will train bonus with land class 1 3 valid drivers license a must refkm telemarketers excellent part time job evenings saturdays 107hour guaranteed experience an asset willing to train refjd please fax resume to 9057600470 or call 4167984766 nationalpost carriers wanted for early morning 2am 6am newspaper delivery to homes and offices mon sat no collections dependability and a reliable vehicle required experience an asset good parttime income markhamstouffville 4165737912 sporting goods company located in the markham area requires experienced packershipper good command of the english language written and oral 1000 hour fax resume 9054755597 attn dave students parttime help required for markham company light office duties tues thurs 330- 600 pm no experience required fax resume to 9055130376