trillium montessori school trillium montessori school is an independent coeduca tional private school located in unionville ontario accommodating students from preschool to grade 8 trillium believes in a balanced approach to education high academic standards are successfully merged with social opportunities and life experiences to develop the whole child from preschool to kindergarten the school adopts the montessori methodology in its teaching this childcentered approach to education immerses children in an environment that is stimulating wellstructured and disciplined students learn through handson experiences working with the montessori apparatus the staff at trillium is committed to providing the best edu cation possible this not only takes into consideration a strong academic program but the moral social and emotional devel opment of children as well at trillium there is a warm and supportive school environment in which students are encour aged to participate and excel in all areas of school life this includes among other things organized sports stage produc tions outdoor education and music festivals jilitmn motemoti school preschooi grade 8 high emphasis on academics focus on individuality half day full day extended day programs custombuilt premises we are now accepting applications for september 2000 town centre montessori as one of canadas largest montessoribased private schools town centre montessori private schools tcms is committed to helping students reach their full potential since 1986 the school has provided preschool elementary and high school students with a wellrounded education in traditional subject areas in addition to its strong academic focus tcms also teaches good work habits organizational skills and the importance of teamwork in achieving its goals specific subject areas include comprehensive math and language programs social sciences physical education computers french and music as well the elementary and high school athletes partic ipate in competitive sports league with other schools in and around the gta summer school programs are quite popular at tcms the preschool summer school program combines both the montessori program and summertime activities special emphasis is placed on those students preparing for grade one the elementary summer school program consists of both aca demics and sports programs finally high school credit cours es are also offered during the summer approximately 1200 students are currently enrolled at the schools two campuses with a third campus now under con- struction the schools program is offered year round and feature no cost extended care programs from 7 am to 6 pm the head office and main campus of town centre montessori private schools is locat ed at 155 clayton drive in markham and can be reached at 4701200 or you may view their website atwwwtcmpscom unionvijle montessori operating in markham since 1987 unionville montessori school provides quality education inmontessori preschool and elementary grades 1 to 6 the school philosophy emphasizes on providing a challenging and dynamic pro gram maintaining lower teacherstudent ratio and individual prograrrrming moti vates the students to attain their fullest inherent potential and thereby building a strong foundation in the primary years the program is enriched with cocurricular and extracurricular activities 4277 l4tk avenue between kennedy and birchmount 9059461181 the montessori preschool catering to children 25 to 6 years old provides a warm nurturing environment trained montessori teachers utilize special material to develop the full potential of each child individually the montessori cocurricu lar programs include french computers music physical edu cation arts and crafts and library specialized teachers teach these programs after school extracurricular programs offered throughout the year include drama rhythmic gymnastics sci ence dub creative crafts tae kwan do kinder art skating eta the elementary program provides the students with conti nuity from the montessori preschool program the enriched program is taught by specialization whereby the home room teacher is only responsible for the core subjects of math and language and qualified teachers specializing in a particular subject area are brought in to teach science computers music physical education art french and library skills regular test ing and reporting provide the students and parents with accu rate progress evaluation participants in the grade three eqao provincial exams has reflected that 100 per cent of the students are achieving at or beyond the expectations of the ontario school curriculum remediation is provided to new students who may need extra help to bring them up to par with the school program the school operates from two locations at a maximum enrollment of a little over 200 students achieved mostly through word of mouth wishingwell montessori parents choose wishing well montessori school for educa tional reasons high standards small classes a focus on learn ing educational philosophy and instructional approaches education is a lifelong process and we at- wishing well montessori school strive to import to our students a grounding in the basic skills while at the same time helping them in the development of decision making a desire for learning positive social interaction and respect for one another small classes allow the teachers to know all the pupils and provide ample opportunity for individual attention and con cern the staff chosen for their knowledge and enthusiasm are dedicated to help each student achieve maximum potential the extra curricular program and special events enhance and enrich the program outofschool education plays an important role in relating the world of the classroom to the out side world wishingwell montessori school motivates each student to want to learn instilling in them good work habits and citizen ship that will last a lifetime wishing well montessri schools 9054709751 montessori schools x 455 cochrane dr hwy 7 woodbine open house saturday march 4 11 am 3 pm montessori program ages 212 6 years a structured program with high academic standards in a nurturing environment daily french instruction all fully qualified montessori teachers junior school grades 18 a challenging academic program that enables each student to reach hisher personal potential homework end of term exams and itemized report cards provide students and parents with accurate progress evaluation supervised after school homework rooms mi tfgf grades 9 oac a semestered coeducational high school small classes high academic standards and a friendly multicultural environment prepare our students for the challenges of the future extra curricular activities include music ballet judo house league and interschool sports call 905 4709751 to arrange a school visit quality education in markham montessori school unionville montessori school kennedy rd 16th avenue give your child a head start in life with a strong fovndation in the early yean the philosophy and aim of the school is to develop self motivated responsible and self disciplined students mho mill achieve their fullest potential the school provides a supportive and encouraging environment in which the students strive to pursue excellence in education through high expectation of academic achievement a meltrounded approach to education is tie schools most irmly held doctrine recognizing tie value of sports recreational and social activities the school program therefore exposes tie ciildren to a variety of experiences that mill enable them to develop intellectual physical artistic emotional and social skills 9054749888 momiohi ikkskiiool ages 2 12 6 years half day full day qualified teachers reading writing math daily french science history geography orff music- computers physical education gym extra curricular activities gymnastic ballet art martial arts music drama sports club science club chess club no extra charge for before and after school programs cradcs 1 to 6 enriched curriculum low studentteacher ratio daily french orff keyboard recorder comprehensive science program history geography computer theory practical physical education gym individual guidance summer camp july august bus service available