22 k vt v ecoiwmk8isunjstouiiiewibune thursday feb 102006 aggressive telephone marketing company located in markham now hiring juniorsenior sales reps full part time available excellent experience and career opportunity sales training provided earn up to 16hr pt also salaried position with benefits available ft students welcome with goal oriented attitudes tallrirtf91h17g i gormley green rolling hills turf dept parttime operator positions available suits retired semirelired individuals approx 30 hours week no experience necessary must be available weekends and holidays through to oct 31st please respond to jake riekstins at 9058881563 or by email jriekstinsclublinkca shipper receiver required for machinery manufactur er in markham candidate must have minimum 3 years experience and knowledge of shipping to usa and overseas customs background an asset good english basic com puter skills are required person must be motivated organized and a teamplayer fork lift experience also necessary fax resume to 905 3056210 attn director of purchasing no phone calls please temporary positions we are currently recruiting for the following long and short term positions general labourers 4050 lbs assemblers pickers packers all positions are in the richmond hillmarkham areas must have own transportation and safety shoes must be able to work dayaftemoonmidnight1 2 hr shifts please bring your sin card photo id and 2 business references at 900am or 100pm 10825 yonge street suite 203 richmond hill yonge st north of elgin mills or call 9057374300 4h olsten staffing services mill run golf and country club is accepting applications for experienced mature adults for the following positions snack bar supervisor snack bar staff line cooks banquet staff bartenders inside maintenance must be available to work shifts and weekends for the entire golf season april nov turf maintenance staff required a fulltime seasonal aprilnov 35wks b parttime seasonal maysept 18wks c parttime evening shift april- oct 31 wks please mail resume to mill run golf country club 269 durham rd 8 rr1 uxbridge ontario l9p 1r1 or fax to 9058529272 i only persons to be interviewed will be contacted landscape construction fore person minimum of 2 years experience ability to direct crewi read blueprints possess plant knowledge operate equipment skid steer backhoe and able to install natural and precast stone clean drivers records wages commensurate with knowledge and experience landscape construction personnel must possess some skills in landscape construction able to follow direction with minimal supervision and be able to use landscape equipment must be able to work in a team environment wages commensurate with knowledge experience and skill level fax resume to 9058889925 itt i i i- 1 i ii i i iiiiorg i- 0 attention aduofs r make 10hr plus the markham economist sun is currently taking names of responsible adults to deliver our newspaper door to door every tuesday thursday and saturday deliveries must be completed by 6 pm weekdays if you are interested in this part time work and have a reliable vehicle please call for more information economist sun megan 9052948244 monday to friday warn to 4pm cc3cdc3c3cdclcd 0 bundle drop drivers the economist sun and stouffville tirbune are looking for bundle drop drivers small to midsize routes available successful candidates need to have a van be physically fit and be available tuesdays thursdays and saturday mornings candidates are required to deliver flyer packages and newspapers to carriers homes truck runs range from 2 to 5 hours per delivery day pay ranges from 10 to 15 per hour interested applicants please call barry 9052948244 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i-i-i- shipping assistant clerk needed for busy mfg co good benefits fax resume to 4162975964 angus glen golf club job fair feb 262000 10 am 2 pm canadas premier public golfing facility will be hosting a job fair for full and part time positions for the following areas greens staff golf support staff food and beverage staff please bring a resume to the main clubhouse 10080 kennedy road markham on 9058875157 fax 9058879424 pizza makb1 gbueralhelp monfri days cafeteria call stella 4164641184 9054710550 renovation contractor requires full time help ex perience an asset fax in formation to 9056423861 cleaners wanted start immediate ly uxbridge stouffville markham experience pre ferred work after 6pm call 9054795986 sewing machine operators ft exper preferred competitive wages benefits apply in person 955 middlefield rd unit1 or calj ms leung at 416- 2986998 jftaramark canada ltd an equal opportunity employer seeking motivated individuals for new markham area locations culinary catering cashiers janitorial personnel retail showcase manager job fair february 15 2000 1100 am600pm radisson hotel 50 east valhalla dr room 12nd floor markham construction site administrator enthusiastic and eager individual for all administrative duties computer skills necessary construction experience an asset fax resume to 905 8292002 mattamy homes attention a guagliardi no agencies please delivery driver fulltime monfri required for toronto surrounding areas must be able to drive cube van recent drivers abstract a must apply in person 145 royal crest court unit 14 markham wardenbirchmount area w business opportunities business opportunities business opportunities business opportunities dairy queen dairy queen brazier a fast food concept with a tradition of qualify wc are a world class franchisor with more than 6000 stores in more than 25 countries as an ongoing expansion program we are presently accepting applications for a dairy queen brazier franchise opportunities in markham ontario if you have the desire to own and operate your own business within a proven franchise system and you have a minimum of 200000 cash available to invest contact wayne vanderhorst today franchise development phone 905 6391492 ext 307 fax 905 6813623 5245 harvester road box 430 burlington ontario l7r 3y3 meet me at drivers wanted with own car or van for valentines day route work call 416 2844720 leave name and number parttime commercial cleaners needed 87 hr training will be provided call 9054159127 jjjjy houses for sale stouffville- 4 bed room renovated house 14 acre hwy 48 front age commercial poten tial private 416444- 4936 9054798042 officebusiness space 10000 sqft basement available in a busy markham plaza eleva tor located at markham road hwy 7 905294- 7889 attractive office space- 1900 and 600 q ft lease one or both available immedi ately riviera drive 9054750273 available immedi ately- secure office 100 sqft hwy 7 war den 350 month inclu sive 9054771114 s apartments u for rent bright 1 bedroom basement apt 1200 sqft open concept separate entrance own laundry cable parking utilities included 4168185950 march 1st brimley 14th ave luxury large spacious 2 bedroom 4 applian ces parking separate entrance no smoking pets available april 1st days 4164385540 evenings 905479- 3952 ask for rocky denison teddington bachelor apt applian ces parking shared entrance no smoking available immediately 575 inclusive 9053050997 heart of markham spacious 1 bedroom basement 4pc wash room fireplace large windows 700 13 utilities available imme diately call earl dickin son 9054770011 remax allstars 11 apartments ffsji apartments u torrent pu for rent markham- bright spacious 1 bedroom den eatin kitchen 1 12 baths separate en trance shared yard parking 850 9054714751 markham- marydale 2 bedroom basement new no smoking pets steps to ttc available immediately 905472- 2350 markham hwy 7 new 2 bedroom base ment apt separate en trance laundry no smoking pets 9054729929 stouffville 1 2 bedrooms from 800 parking extra free hy dro shopping schools parks rec 905-640- 1170 stouffville -immac- ulate 1 bedroom 1200 sqft basement appli ances private en trance march 15 850 inclusive nonsmoker pets references 9056403000 stouffville spa cious and clean one bedroom basement apt nonsmoker park ing cable utilities in cluded 700 905642- 6547 stouffville- 1 bed room basement fire place laundry sepa rate entrance parking no smoking pets 850 inclusive 905640- 3698 stouffville- large 2nd floor 1 bedroom century home ac ca parking 825 in clusive 9056422668 4167545661 im shared accommodation a luxurious mansion on a 1 acre lot- has several rooms available suit professional major mac woodbine 416- 7041565