12 economist sunhribune community notes aiiursday feb 10 2000 k the kidney foundation of canada f kr this message brought to you as a community service of the economistfinbune fen free seminar are you ready to invest for yourself wm tukusl liitreilii ii sb take control of your rrsp investments learn how to access the most comprehensive selection of online research in canada place trades over the internet for as little as 29 commisssion obtain realtime quotes online change or cancel unfilled orders review outstanding and filled orders all this and more using td waterhouse electronic brokerage services wednesday february 16 2000 700 pm 830 pm whitchurch stouffville public library stouffville ontario reserve now 905 6401372 9056681004 waterhouse wwwtdwaterhouseca t based on a stiapubtehed in canadian busi subsidiary of td waterhouse group inc a subsidiary of td 8anfc trademark of td bank td watemouse is a licensed usee td waterhouse member off have your say on smoking ifs one of those issues that draws strong public response whether smoking should be banned in public places york regions nosmoking task force is giving residents and business owners a chance to express their feelings at a series of public meetings starting next week the task force is hoping to convince yorks nine municipalities to prohibit lighting up in public spots by jan 1 2002 the local bylaws would amount to a regionwide ban something that died two years ago when fewer than half the municipalities supported the policy but some members of the task force hope that resistance was due to the fact the bylaw would have been controlled by the regional government they believe more councillors will support the ban if local municipalities have the power to monitor businesses in their communities and lay charges however some business owners warn they could face bankruptcy if a smoking ban drives their customers away on the other hand others support the prohibition for example a group of students called youth fighting tobacco hopes to lobby politicians into adopting bylaws the meetings will take place next tuesday in the newmarket council chambers feb 17 at the elgin barrow arena in richmond hill feb 22 in the whitchurchstouffville council cham bers and march 9 in the georgina coun cil chambers the meetings run from 7 to 9 pan volunteers needed at reena reena is a nonprofit social service agency supporting people with develop mental disabilities some of the volunteer opportunities include palunteers a direct service with volunteers working oneonone with people with a developmental dis ability homebuddies where people would visit and assist in one of reenas many group homes the battle family developmental centre which needs volunteers to help with program activi ties such as art music sports and com puters administrative volunteers needed to share their office skills by assisting in the reena airninistration office and committee volunteers who will help in policy making and planning in a variety of areas that include com munication literacy finance and fund ing development for more information becoming involved with reena contact arlene margolese at 8896484 ext 2229 businesswomens breakfast the york region womens entrepreneur networking breakfasts will be taking place march 14 april 11 and may 9 the network is a nonprofit organiza tion providing businesswomen the opportunity to build relationships share information receive moral sup port and exchange leads for more information call jeanie yu at 8860277 we can help for more information about asthma call the lung association this message brought to you as a community service of the liberal