16 office help office help at home parents and students earn extra income and keep up your typing skills with part time data entry work at richters herbs fax resume to 9056406641 bookkeeper accounting services organization is seek ing an individual who is outgoing hardwork ing and must have strong communication skills the applicant should have experience with accpac excel or lotus 123 to handle data adjusting entries ac reconciliation and gl please send resume to human resources fax no 905 7641570 office warehouse person small markham firm requires selfmoti vated fulltime employee good typing and telephone skills required fax resume 9054773691 parttime receptionist office person an enthusiastic person is required 5 hours a day for a small fastpaced adver tising agency in markham good com mand of english and computer skills a must a conscientious team player is what were looking for salary commensurate with experience fax resume to 9054756369 markham main street law firm sr litigation secretary assistant strong organizational and communication skills litigation background with emphasis in family law very experienced excellent remuneration fax resume to 9052949883 data entry customer service parttime febjune and septdec for markham software marketing company txmq microsoft win dows and applications experience good interpersonal and english language skills fax resume to 9059404739 email ruthtxmqcom receptionist required for busy markham pediatric office experience an asset please fax resume to 9054725148 secretary receptionist for busy markham real estate of fice good command of english and experience in word perfect and ex cel real estate experience a must fax resume to 9054770505 office clerk required fulltime duties include data entry invoic ing packing slips and answering phones you should be familiar with computer system in the dos format strong oral and written english skills a must fax resume to 9057648663 part time receptionist evening weekends required for busy high profile real estate office in markham real es tate experience preferred knowl edge of ms office and fast typing skills an asset computer literacy and ability to handle a busy switch board a must please fax all resumes to sharon s054713816 economist sunlstoujfville tribune saturday jan 22 2000 office help office help office help dwvahorse icmcorpottatcd receptionist the datahorse group of companies specializes in the enter prise planning technical training inter intranet develop ment market and provides bolton products and technical ex pertise to the north american market working out of our markham location at hwy 7 and404 we are seeking a professional individual to handle our reception desk your responsibilities will include answering the tele phones mail and fax duties maintaining office supplies and coordinating travel arrangements the successful candidate will have previous experience in an administrative position excellent interpersonal skills strong organizational skills and word and excel are essential we offer a competitive renumeration and comprehensive benefits package on day one of employment please forward resume to human resources datahorse inc 100 allstate parkway suite 400 markham on l3r 6h3 fax 9054740724 email hrdatahorsecom we thanau applicants however only those selected for an interview will be contacted op phone calls or agencies please i sales help n agents 1 sales help agents 1 sales help j agents full time advertising sales representative t the markham economist sun stoufiville tribune has an immediate opening for our office located in markham the position will involve account management creating and delivering convincing marketing presentations to prospective advertisers ad layout as well as developing new business the successful candidate will be a team player with a sense of urgency well organized an independent worker deadline oriented and have good communication skills we offer a base salary a lucrative commission plan and the opportunity for career advancement for the right candidate to pursue this career- opportunity please forward your resume to retail advertising manager 9 heritage rd markham 0ni3p1m3 fax 905294 1538 inside sales the era banner ec0n0mistsun rv stoufiville tribune the liberal special sections features department we have an immediate opening for a full time telemarketer for our inside sales department located in our markham office working on york region newspaper group publications induding the era banner the liberal economist sun stouffville tribune goodlife business times living in markham the position requires an experienced sales person who is a positive team player with excellent communication and organizational skills the pay is salary plus commission if you think you would like to join our team please send your resume to sales manager inside sales 9 heritage road markham on l3p 1m3 or fax your resume to 9052941538 help sales reps enthusiastic team oriented persons required for account management sales positions in the exciting com puter industry a drive for success together with strong relationship skills are required characteristics salary benefits commission and rewards program included for suc cessful applicants fax resume to hr manager 9058821106 bookkeeper software com pany needs per son experienced in quickbooks pro 2 days per week warden 14th area call david 905470- 0970 ext 11 teaching opportunities teaching opportunities ece and assistant needed for daycare in stouffville professional friendly familylike atmosphere please call 9056400676 town centre montessori jlsta private schools is seeking to fill 2 parttime positions for school receptionist shifts available 730amlpm lpm630pm school experience preferred fax resume to 905 4700184 m general help h general help here we grow again experd floral designer part time flexible hours metro florist markham rd 16th ave call 2018804 or fax 4710837 edrug unionvelle pharmacy assistant full time experience preferred salary benefit package fax resume to 9059461224 growing across ontario if you are energetic hardworking and self- motivated mail or fax your resume to us we are currently hiring for the following positions g class drivers current drivers abstract must accompany resume clean driving record a must must be able to drive standard transmission mechanic small engine experience a must knowledge of diesel and hydraulic engines a definite asset must have own tools entry level shop position must have own starter tool set general engine knowledge needed the hours will be long but the rewards are great we offer excellent compensation benefits and a pension plan att human resources battlefield equipment rentals po box 153 12385 woodbine ave gormleyonlorigo fax9058873592 no phone calls please h generalhelp 3 generalhelp warehouse staff full time junior positions available at markham comput er company keyboarding skills an asset fax resume 9055138150 driver wanted the automotive store has an immediate opening for a fulltime driver please call ramsey 9052011044 web designergraphic artist full time creative individual with solid background of html and photoshopquark on a pc basis wardenhwy7 one stop websites ltd fax resume 9059478237 call centre staff needed busy market research company is hiring no sates or commisions excellent communication skills required french an asset but not required daytimeeveningsweekends call robin fielding 416 4452680 ext 427 fax resumes to npd canada 4164452876 or email davidjevitanpdcom receptionist parttime weekend shifts 8am- 4pm 49 pm with occasional weekday shifts computer literate with good communication skills apply in person 95 monfri gibson retirement residence 1955 steeles ave e at leslie retired male voices needed 68 hours per week markham based company in volved in customer service requires individuals to mystery shop com puter score our clients over the tele phone taining provided no selling call pete csmc 9054728200 attention adults earn extra money the markham economist sun is currently taking names of responsi ble adults to deliver our newspaper doortodoor every tuesday thurs day and saturday if you are interested in this parttime work and have a reliable vehicle please call megan for more informa tion monday to friday 10am to 4pm at 9052948244 through a professional systems approach to debt collects aesuechn009y wednesday lanuary 26- 700 pm to 900 p and saturdayanuary29900amtol200noon alc 11 allstate parkway suite 500 markham bring your resume as interviews will take place following an information session unable to attend please ax your resume to 90s 7085