12 vitamin profile glucosamine sulfate economist sunstoujjville tribune saturday jan 22 2000 mcrr- health fitness this mineral supplement us used to treat osteoarthritis or degenerative joint dis ease studies have shown glucosamine sulfate to be more effective than non steroidal antiinflammatory drugs for sufferers of this discomforting ailment this popular mineral supplement available in 500 mg capsules will reduce pain and inflammation book review whitby mental health centre community advisory board cordially invites all members of the public to the annual general meeting january 26 2000 200 pm auditorium building 5 whitby mental health centre 700 gordon street whitby ont special guest speaker dr stephen hucker professoracademic headforensic psychiatrist mcmaster university the future of mental health forensic services panel mr rob adams exec director colborne community services whitby mr neil howard manager mental health court diversion cmha york region mr bryan davies asst crown attorney ministry of attorney general whitby for information call h whitby mental health centre 905 668 5881 ext 6057 905 427 9233 ext 6057 i sil a- gvr rao dues summer shape up now no contracts no obligation no hassles no excuses no risks no judgements just the best facilities equipment fitness classes personal training member care all for you goodlife backed by 20 years of credibility chamber of commerce best busiflsmwinner regional finalist 50 best managed companies in canada goodlife is a great club you can trust y50clubs to choose from call now 4759288 3500 steelesave e coed f i t n e s s c l u b s offer expires january 31 2000 nominal initiation and administration fees apply prescription for nutritional healing a practical az reference to drugfree remedies using vitamins minerals herbs food supplements by james f balch md and phyllis a balch cnc 368 pages softcover 1995 published by avery publishing group more and more we are learning that our mod ern diet falls short in providing us with the nec essary nutrients to stave off disease and to keep us in a general state of well being prescription for nutritional healing first published in 1996 and now available in revised and expanded second edition addresses this current phenomenon with a comprehensive guide to achieving good health through vitamins minerals herbs and food sup plements the book is divided into three parts part one provides an introduction to nutrition explaining that the fuel we give our engines comes direcdy from the things we eat in addition we are edu cated about the vast array of products available on the shelves of health food stores we are also given clear explanation of terms we are becoming increasingly familiar with such as antioxidants and free radicals part two deals with disorders and az guide from acne to yeast infection each disorder is explained and then followed by nonintrusive remedies the easytofollow list format gives a choice of recommended treatments and the pre cise benefit that this has for the body this allows you to custom design a therapy most suited to you part three remedies and therapies offers important information and natural food supple ments and various programs to achieve an ongo ing state of good health the ascorbic acid flush and fasting are just a couple of the programs offered with stepbystep explanations of the pro cedures and the ensuing benefits to good health the specific as well as the general recommen dations in prescriptions for nutritional healing suit everyone this book is a must for anyone wishing to overhaul their nutritional lifestyle as well as those simply interested in drugfree reme dies for common ailments food for thought in praise of onions and garlic there is nothing like the sweet savory aroma of onions and garlic sauteing gently in a pan in addition to tantalizing our palate this pleasant combination promotes good health with inherent healing properties this is not news the onion first appeared in 3200 bc and as early as 1550 bc onions and garlic were known for their medicinal benefits pyramid builders consumed garlic daily for endurance and strength the roman army used onions and garlic to cure soldiers of worms indeed throughout history there is ample evi dence of groups of people immune to pestilence who consumed garlic daily a fair share of superstition has accompanied the virtues of onions and garlic a few civilizations have worshipped the onion as a sort of demigod nero believed that garlic was an aphrodisiac and concocted a balm used to strengthen his sexual jmiejk physiotherapy rehab inc g motor vehicle accident g sports injuries g tendinitis g carpal tunnel wrist g foot problems g postcast fractures g osteoarthritis g jaw pain tmj g mechanical headaches g fibromyalgia g neurologic movement disorders it happens put that smile i back on lybur acc wecanltcfp prowess recent history has dispelled myth concentrat ing on the practical benefits of onions and garlic during both world wars the juice of onions and garlic was used as an antiseptic to treat wounds when regular medical supplies ran out some claims promote the chewing of raw onions to kill all germs in the mouth including those which cause tooth decay more recently garlic has enjoyed a crusade of popularity endorsed by nutritionists and health food experts garlic lowers blood pressure and thins the blood thereby reducing the risk of blood clots and helping to prevent heart attacks it also lowers cholesterol aids in digestion and is effec tive in attacking a host of viruses including ath letes foot and yeast infections likewise onions contain a chemical prostaglandin which lowers blood pressure the nutritional value of onions is under rated one onion contains as much vita min c as two apples for most of us a daily diet of onions and garlic is not always practical luckily a supplement for garlic has been made available to us kyolic is an odorless garlic which comes in the form of capsules tablets and an oil extract now we may conveniently benefit from one of natures most healthy foods a benefit which has been known throughout history winter survival tips extended hours mon fri 830 730 pm sat 830 1200 noon a t meadowbrook medical centre hwy 7 just west of kennedy rd 4581 hwy 7 east suite 103b markham t6i 905 9439271 snow shovelling tips use a ughtweight economic shovel lift ben d at your knees and not your waist never twist at your waist use your knee or thigh as a fulcrum to move snow aside dont scrape snow that is stuck use salt pellets rest when tired your body is prone to injury when fatigued people with heart conditions and chronic back pain should refrain from such exertion in cold weather muscles arc tense to start wilh extra exertion can cause muscle strain do proper stretches prior to going out dont know any give us a call at 905 9108 1 88 we specialize in the treatment of back pain siiouser paix sciatica nbckpain elbow wrist paln maxvother headaches kneeankle pais compialvts as eu i unionville family chiropractic health centre 4560 hwy 7 east unit 100 unionville on just west of kennedy on aunewpattentsare northsideofllwy 7 esesefc call 905940188 new years special half price exams cushion value 90 walkins welcome j