rfmaswfe8em express yourself staff photorob alary the york durham aphasia centre offers cards designed by their clients program administrator ann wells left and fundraising chairperson margaret paul display some of the cards for sale at six for 5 the centres watercolour program helps adults with aphasia a communication disorder after a stroke or head injury find a new way to express themselves unframed prints are also available at 3 each or two for 5 proceeds from the sale of the cards support the centre locat ed in stouffville call 6422053 to place an order fight over 100 diseases with one donation these are just a few of the out 100 liverrelated illnesses that threaten the lives of more than 2 million canadian men women and children for 2 years now the canadian liver foundation has been leading the fight against liver disease and to continue uv ncedyourbelp onesimaclpfktdnesscangosoveryfar 1320 yonge street suite 301 toronto ontario m4t 1x2 18005635483 this message brought to you asacontfiiunitysefviceoftreconomtsvtrikjne epilepsy ontario york region volunteer support is essential for all our programs and services there are many ways mat you can help us help organizing selfhelp activities staffing mall and public displays distributing literature serving on committees etc for information about our many volunteer opportunities call 905 5085404 email address epilepsy aracnetnet jthrtsjnessajgei breast every womans right ii take responsibility for your own breast healthbecom e more knowledgeable and less fearful about breast cancer were here to offer support with trained breast health speakers and timely information call us were the canadian cancer society we want to help you learn more about positive breast health behaviour canadian i societe cancer i canamenne society i ducancer for more information contact your local canadian cancer society office it could save your this message brought to you as a community servcte of economisttribune q jzlspeciac hqnsmenh ihe stouffville nsmen clus would life to tfmnk the following donators and contributors to this years santa claus paradtwti yj the parade would not have seen possible when shopping in town lets take the timetothankjhem steve davis qaryxjormfcc parade cochairs 1001 variety store ltd 1st stouffville scouts alsop insurance brokers inc anderson haulage ltd atg coral barthau jewellers basically bagels bob lewis 1 cable commentator brian blenkhorn electric budget towing canadian tire stouffville choko motorspbrts inc community exchange networks cook canada inc crystal jewelers dave timewell contractors carpenters drapery den fickle pickle flanagans folk art fullertons giles chevrolet qldsmobije ltd good eat restaurant gormley aggregates v grape and barley grey power v insurance brokers inc harpers fresh meats john lords book lg irwin agency lncco- operators linds floral boutique lionels pony farm main street sports bar marios hairstyling money concepts noma cable tech noyopharm pizza pizza rapid photo reids consignment shop schell lumber stouffville ecorib limotaxi v service ltd stouffville flea v market v stouffville ida stouffville spirit hockey club ltd subway sandwiches salads the stouffville kinettes judges the town of whitchurch- stouffville thomas winters plumbing tim hortons widemanauto works wine creations york region auxiliary police york regional police would like to thank all the little boys and girls who came out to this years parade to see me remember to be good this year arid that i am watching hohohoho santa