economist sun stoufiwde tribune saturday sept 181999 19 living volunteers always welcome to help community gardens grow b from page 18 ed cabbage and a paring knife the 30 families who garden here put in their own vegetables first the food banks second the group asks them to t perform at least two plants and two picksaseason this year more families have moved to the subdivision next door as devel opment closes in so goes the gardens mccleary added wistfully community plots are not new leak g natures age seven when the second world war began remembers the wartime gardens in britain lots of spare land was turned into allotments so people could grow for themselves her group first offers its plots each year to food bank clients then to people in subsidized housing and seniors resi dences former gardeners unless they have been dreadful are all asked back shesaid v m community gardeners seem to share a common attitude toward sunflowers leave them be for the birds wherever they grow the gardens where plots are often strategically surrounded by onions or marigolds to keep insects out are always looking this late in the season for young volunteers willing topick remaining vegetables and clear away the weeds for next year i for more ihfdrarhtion on community gardens or to volunteer call the york region food network at 7739866 mmitmi tle mn hood cornfseld sfidsg was a success the hood familytwid markham stouffville hospital extend their heartfelt thanks to all of those who contributed so generously to make this event such a success a special thank you tim thank you to our major event sponsors mottspcyb ha choirafton mil shindig committee kimellis marilyn hulbert trick somerton richard newman george shepherd bryan armstrong julie ponsford ikathy taylor donors richard newman cattanach hindson sutton r vanveldhuizeh j bass murphy chartered accountants jack carson j b d company limited scotia bank edith ditman service sponsors canadian extreme sports diversified printing services st johns ambulance remax thbrnhill cruisers lynn westaway pepper the clown cheryl cline- out of tune andrew tjonhing mbto photo the costume shoppe mfddlefield public school jmac images john bosworth reesor farm market markham unionville rotary clubs york region police association sbryan armstrong mister softee lionels petting zoo pizza pizza stouffville williams communication lemonville united church women i national traffic stouffville sun anderson haulage molsons brian blenkhorn electric leadbetters meat market town of whitchurch stouffville town of markham applewood farms canadian tire stouffville markham economist sun grant tvehs slime dogs grant fullerton remax allstars john webster markstone investment club lisa garber clownn around cardinal golf course k unionville vintners christiene bentley silent auction donors saltan canada ian gough sales loiita gordon mckay bear international adrienne green cards hardware vy heritage art gallery cambridge towel socks for you ruffnredi adhill enterprises skyloft ski club toronto travel metroeast trade centre angles eatery pronto auto repairs canadian extreme sports toronto maple leafsy ibmcahada j midrange computing cameron advertising stbuffviileap mmmeats lindys floral boutique dr ken lawlor canadas wonderland embassy suites hotel cottage country travel lotus canada dfa hulbert royal doulton sleepy hollow golf course george shepherd timex canada mcdonalds markham lynn westaway white rose gwen reillyjones alex thorn rhines hallmark cards markham mower cardinal golf barthau jewellers bob shelston joseph vikari hansens country place nabisco prizewinners dr rick mann 2 canadian airline tickets mr ken russel of unionville 32 colourtv kathy norton of markham aj casson print v a special thank you to the 150 volunteers who generously donated their time and helped make the event a success we look forward to seeing everyone again next year i yowgenerositymabeitgr september 30 octbejfcl watcii mivcsiiiig events at the tempqilroad closure town of whitchurchstouffville vivian road yr 74 from highway 404 to woodbine avenue yr 8 in the town of whitchurchstouffvslle will be closed to through traffic september 24th to october 4th 1999 for road reconstruction bylaw no r11961999078 please direct enquiries to the regional municipality of york 7 transportation and works department 17250 yonge street c newmarket on l3y6z1 tel 905 8951200 tmlp ywmegujffi iliimi gsffiss theregionalmunicipalityoryork to theounciloftheregionalmunicipalityof york proposes to rassa bylaw authorizing widening and reconstruction of kennedy road town of markham a the widening and reconstruction of kennedy road yr 3 from 16 avenue yr 7 to major mackenzie dnve cr25 in the town of markham to a basic width of 360 metres with additional widenihgs at cuts fills watercourse crossing and intersections to provide a basic fourlane road with leftturn and fightturn lanes at intersections the adjustments to existing traffic control signals and associated illumination to accommodate the proposed revisions to the road layout at the intersections of kennedy road yr 3 with 16 avenue yr 73 and major mackenzie drive crr 25 7 the provision of an underground conduit system and illumination at the intersections of kennedy road yr 3 with buroak avenue angus glen 1 boulevard the fairwayscastlemore avenue and a proposed street south of the lutheran cemetery the carryingoiit of ail related works and undertakings in connection with the above and y- the acquisition of the necessary lands arid interests in lands for the works described above pursuant to section 300 of the municipal act the transportation and works committee of the regional council will at its meeting to be held at 900 am on the 6 dayof october 1999 in committee room a at the regional administrative building located at 17256 yonge street newmarket hear any person who claims that hisher lands will be prejudicially affected by the bylaw and who applies to be heard anyone wishing to be heard is requested to advise the office of the regional clerk attention harold brown telephone 8951231 or 7310201 ext 1302 if any party entitiedto be heard does not attend at the hearing the committee may proceed in hisher absence and heshe will hot be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings the proposed bylaw and plans showing the proposed works may bejnspected pat the office of brian harrison director design and construction branch at trie transportation and works department located at the regional administrative building at 17250 yonge street newmarket telephone 8951200 or7646345 5088 dated at newmarket this 18 day of september 1999 haroldbrown acting clerk v 17250 yonge street newmarket on l3y6z1 ya- b w vd e