32 economist sun stouffville tribune thursday july 291999 i i t i fssgjbggl f jmlles total due n delivery ifef 1 jell jdpwjr- la sijjjsi h total due jhfdeliverv flwij in ibebh frgsk lease your next vehicle from i we dont need fine print in our ads because j jheneatienosunppiseswedqndrxig you in with a low rate and try to wipe out your bankaccount withamonster downpayment 2 i yes we accept tradeins and if your vehicle tswotthtfibt you can apply it to the lease and lower your payment or take it incash and pay down joihepektw- j3 i every lease includes 25000 kms not 20000 revepgsale price opleaseincludesrerght i you can t avoid it so why hide it like niopt employer half of our sales staff is female 6 i stouffville chrysler is going for iso 9002 7ttwerecld5e lower and we can afford to be flexible on i price and lease rates 8 you can go outinto our shop and talktp bur technicians and they will actually talk back 9webelie sincerity 5 10 the owner writes these ads take a little jdniveand youioowilldrivea bettendeal fa p ss3s8s jssyfi 1 v ss cfikjsler rhmoulfi y- 3 1 v 1 j vifii total due on delivery p- 1 w- ira stouffville sideroad stouffville i h1wsiebwc hwy401 tmm