ixz s tajzwtrrx advertising feature ibttemafflmi golf and fishing demonstrations t nrf jfopii gamp and more can be by lisa cartwright eekrures writer bring dad tothe markham village festival june 19 and 20 j the21st annual festival takes place fathers day week- i end and this year- organizers have put together activities v perfect for dad and thv entire family c y s sports lovers willenjoy the fishing boxing and golf demonstrations while music lovers wont havea shortage of bands and musical groups to listen to there will also be activities for the children dancing contests games and ivits the wholefamily said robert smith chair- person of this years festival x 5fc rv jr children are invited rtxrcolour oneof eight flower pots designs vmftertherejmshed they will be puton display sb fjn afveachartist receives far tties street v its not uncommon for people who grew up in town to return just for the festival he said f- nmacttvltiesare sureto pleased both days are fullirf andiarspecificiplacessinelyillagepeople canwatch the kickp a fusscloggers onthe nortkstagelisten totnbute c nqfences garth brooks and shama shania twain j v- i brooks isteally goodsaid judi for the publicity for the festival u and belle and colour the street children are invited to colour one of ight vflowerpotdesignsafter theyre finisfied triey will 6e put on 4i display instorevwindowseach artist receives a package of ccraypla crayons to take home- j u j park comes alive during the twoday festival the f areajbecomesa childrens village with a petting zoo abar- bequerriinitputtcafmval rides and kiddie gamdlaswell as r demonstrations bythe markham aquatic club and and the imarkham synchro club there is also free swimming in hvf- m- s b see free page 18 m j c js v mmnnll mnii iimltiitmtmtm nml v f join our ihriends from the islands of the bahamas arid their fun and photocapstone communications signature a t lons 1 ballot main sl travel is a dmsion o david jaodb travel incftea 2965221- i v ballbt rjpers6nz raw vwj