rwlbtlwlllfbltrrtlrrllllftflm iwmiih m i r 1 i v e t i nrj iir 16 ecoiwmist sim stoufmle tribune saturday may 22 1999 arthritis richmond hill 5085177 h advertising feature iris message arougm to ou 3s a cor service oftfie economist ipibune water rationing is a strongipossidility tnis summer sv vsbflfer kosefanhmulcfr water is ons of those commodities be retained in the soil up to four times been thrilled with their performance we all take for granted longer with mulch this can translate last year i tried a new plant called the fact that water levels in ontario into significant savings on your water million bells a vine with tiny petunia- areatejowest ever isriot good news biuand for gareneirmaysfiape up to be a water supply sv v v x r grops through sun rain verydrj sumrhf with the possibility mulch can also be veryattrave drought and myneglect right up until of waterlfatiorungtt pine bark nuggets decorative stones frost -jp- r r howeverthere aremany things a or forest mulch all make visually many other plants in my yard had galdener cando t9 conserve moisture a pp n g died off in the mmesdamclcut down on water groundcovers usage plants- that one of the best ways to conserve creep along the water isfe usesbaker hoses in all your ground like ivy v gardens- j j yirica3 ajuga soaker hoses lay on the ground and pachysandra or are pliable jenougvtotwine around thyme just to plantev j v x name a few jvtf0ep slowly out of the can also be rose and go dfrecuy into the soil where j used iis needed f not into the air or evap orated in the suhugrta breeding programs have been going on for years to produceannu- als that perform quickly and beautifully in our hot humid summers charlie dobbin from white rose fall but this beauty kept growing and producing flowers until a final hard frost fin ished it other wonderful for veg- 3 new annuals etable gardens use dried leaves and i have tried and been equally by f wetting the leaves of the w grass straw newspapers or any organ- impressedwith are bacopa bidens plantsyoull aisoprevent many fungal ic substance that wiu retain mbisture in brachycome wave petunias and diseases- the soil osteospermum s y r cbverthe soil i have found that mulching has sig- many of these have been bred to be and the hoejwitli layer of mulch- v nificantly cut down orf gardening drought resistant arid- to continue y studies have moisture can chores- such as weeding and hoeing growth and blossom production all hard compacted soik summer v l andmy reward comes at the end of my experiences with these plants the surrimer when i get my water bill many beautiful annuals arenowavmlable this is the time of year when were all in a frenzy with our yards gardens and decks spring has finally arrived and we- cant wait to get gardening and enjoy the outdoors iriy6urrushtothe local nursery hqweyer- you should stop and take notei of f some of ke different annuals being offered j 1 bieedirig programs 1 have been going 6hfor years jtp produce annuals that perjfqrrn and seautifully inour hot- iiumid summers 1 many new varieties have come on the riiarketiri recent veafs aridl have f jl ft jl moving storage s v ru0cal long distancevv v u commercial besidemtuur special care of antiques s fully insureds bonded a discount for seniors first timehome buyers in house no time to pack your own belongings packing v we will provide two people at a rate of y6ooohr a- jt including materials freeu estimates tfuse of clothing wardrobes sr0mgyavailable foramonthly rate 0n moving day we supply three to four men with a choiceof 27 ft45 ft48 ft or 53 ft truck references available upon request c vi pn business since 1 980 j tv no travel charges from our office tdyour home stouhville cellrv all other areas rwl6404463 4iv420-2237- 18006800975 v 2 v ns 100 ringwood bruiiit 1 stouffviile on l4a 1a9 member ol ibe better bulness burem have been very positive and i incorpo rate them more and more into my summerplanting so be a little experimental this year use your favourite geraniums or marigolds but also try some of those plants that youre not familiar with you maytbe pleasantly surprised these articles was submitted by 1 charlie dobbin bsc agr ahorti- culturalist from white rose crafts nursery sales ltd si6afrtktffete people riin save tip to w per cent f flatware at the mikasa yvarelibuse salc y the sale goes tjoinmay 2v to 21 from 1 1 anv tci 1 830 pnvway 29 from 10 ani to 5 pm and may i0 from 1 1 am to j30 pm mikasa is- located at 1gi mcllieison st in nlaikliam rt- v f 1 u palmer bbqv s e quality heating alfcohditlohlng fsv inetallatlnn- installation 905 4707563 ifmijw x cholangiocarcinona cholecystit is choledocholithiasis cholcsteryl ester storage fight over 100 disfasfs with one donation these are just a few of tbe joo lifer related illnesses that threaten the lives of more than 2 million canadian men women and children for 2 years now the canadian liver foundation has been leading tbefigbt against liver disease atid to continue we need your help one simple act of kindness can go so wry far f 1320 yonge street suite 301 toronto ontario m4t1x2 v 1800563543 rthfens6gbfoogmtoyou as a oommunlty mtvioo ol tht ubenl mn6vati6ns v i960 showroom v- t vs 172 buhock- dr unit 18 markham 4726804 mmmur4 v55 x koictisbiftmmed service ail t v i