16 epnomist sim stoumjnbuag thursday 1999j i i j- f 1b 9 1 l5 i i 9 w t c- za llj v i 4 gamdas store ganadasstyle t 1 x outdoors season starts since 1670 si v4 by mike hayakawa staff writer slim pickings might be the best phrase to describe last years opening day of rainbow trout fishing along the upper reaches of the rouge river and duffih creek this years opening which takes place at the stroke of midnight tomor- row could provide a different story for york region and area anglers and for those making plans to wet a line in saturdays opener it might pro vide some welcome news ive seen a fair number of fish througtioutmost of the reaches mark russell a ministry of natural resources conservation officer from trie aurora district said of his observations earlier this week russell noted the mild spring tem- peratures lastmonth triggered initial runs of migratory rainbow trout from lake ontario to their spring spawning grounds a good number offish have already spawned and are residing in deep hold ing pools he said those spawning can be found paired up on shallow gravel beds a problem though is the lack of rain which has produced low water levels russell predicted the onset of any periods of rain should send any spawned out fish back towards lake ontario artificial lures like number three silver vibraxorlvlepps spinners skunkfinished wob- bling plugs or flies like awoolly v buggeror spring higglers can v producesbme action c jf h botanical xteactsh t v rf of skinaiscolourations 30 ml 45 liiiiilii r m yy k f however russell said hehas recently c s- seen some fish still attempting to make their way upstream to spawn still somejish coming 1 upat the mouth pfduffiri creek three to four days agohe observed v t forthose making plans to partake in saturdays opener russell suggests patience to success lwkilejsome spots might not hold jyill- theres stretches of- rivers wiihlots of fishut vrr donning a setof polarized sun glass- es can help you spot fish in any potential holding areas f drifting natural baits on bottom or i suspended off a floatesbimesized spawn bagshardbduedsingle salmon t eggs dew worms orwax worms off of a number 12 or 1 hook tied to fine diam- eter leader material into deep pools should entice wfew strikes pjtygjj vatit tfu n spinners- skunkfinishedwobbling s plugs or flies -iikeawoollyjbuggertor- ianglerssh6dtaketnoteofanvpri- vi vate property and havewntten permis- sion if they plan on entenng- anymittershouldbeiplaced ina 5 garbage container and not dumped onto someones property v tfv those whoarebetween the ages of 3 s rv1 jwrjufcf