r economist sim stoufitvi the 100000 club piiicinstiiuhjpns relkase their lists of employees earningmdre than 100000 annually 18 employees at public school board earn more than100000 each year by jennifer brown staffwrtter the school boards superintendentsland director may be the annual leaders of the 100000 salary club but hovering just below the magic mark is a growing layer of top- earning employees at the york region public board- 18 employees earned more than 100000 last year thafs eight more than the york region separate school boarcl posted this year but the public board has 40000 more students 8000 employees and a 500ihilli6n budget compared to the catholic boards budget of 280 million v and just below the 100000 cutoff there is a legion of principals consultants and assistants to superintendents earning almost as much as thosewhose earnings are by provmciallegislation made public each year public high school principals earn between 84000 to 91000 andofthe 22 secondary school principals in the public board there are nine at the top of the five- year grid and thereis a growing layer of adminis trators assisting supervisory officers in their daily grind something jarger boards in toronto have done for years two superintendents at the public board are assisted by former principals earning in the rangeof 90000 and board chairperson bill crothers hints there may be more appointments like that in the future a similar appoint ment was made at the separate board this year when a principal was seconded to assist asso ciate directorsuperin tendent of high schools jack cronin that prin cipal is now working on high school reform catholic v board chairperson elizabeth crowe says consultants have also been hired for specific areas such as the new science cur- riculum but they are teachers who wouldnt be earning close to 100000 principals at the boards 110 elementary schools earn between 77000and 85000 and a top teacher earns 68000 y the public boards list hasnt changed from last year except for salary increases fpr seven people including the director bui hogarth theyre under a lot of scrutiny but- theyre doing a bloody good job said crothers whoargues the 18 top earners- would be paid considerably more in the pri- bill crothers board chairper son says board officials do a bloody good job vate sector for running a corporation with a budget of half a billion dollars that could probably be said for the majority of administrators named in this years list fiom hospital presidents bat tling the province for funding to regional officials coping with a 333million budget arid provincial down loading hogarth received a 5000 increase last year a result of a fiveyear grid all supervisory offi cer salaries are mea sured against one they argue follow teacher grids crothers says the grid increments super intendents receive are often perceived by the public as salary hikes last year he notes 50per cent of all teachers in ttieboard received an additional 3j000 as they moved up their grid that said teacher union president gerry harrison questions whether superinten- dents should be on a grid system instead of receiving performance reviews and salary hikes accordingly v harrison acknowledges it may be hypo- critical to suggest that since teachers receive automatic increases withoutperformance reviews but thinks administrators should be measured in a differentsystem gerry harrison teacher union president says board is fiscally responsible that aside he has few qualms with the 100000 club list all along weve said our board is one of the more fiscally responsible in the province and if they work hard and deserve the money so be it said harrison just as long as it is not stealing from the classroom line of the budget y v and with increasing work handed down from the province crothers argues superin- tendents and the director have been dealing with added pressure from the province in the last three years when you go through change there is an impact on evebodyuihe organization but the macffadls aisprbp6ffionately on the people at the top nobody feels it more than people at the top said crothers not- ing the public board is also seeing a growth in enrolment of 2 to 3 per cent every year and when compared to a decade ago he says the board has six fewer superinten dents but 20000 more students to manage the catholic board had 17 supervisory offi cers in 1991 and have whittledthat down to 10 today 7 yy- crothers also points out that if hogarth and the superintendents had similar responsibilities in the priv sector th salaries would be significantly higher the other reality is people earning 100000 or more annually dont take it all home with them for every dollar they earn 50 per cent goes to taxes saidcrothers to regions deelared 100000 club this is the list of public officials who earn 100000or more as declared through the provincial governments public sector salary disclosure act region ofyork name position r 98 salary 97 salary sandra cartwnght commissioner 105748 100911 bryan cousineau police chief ret 128818 144727 helena jaczek r v officer 1 2221 8 1 24675 jotin liveyff f commissioner 108842 103905 1 keesschipper commissioner 105586 100803 alan wells 7 cao 130706 128431 robert vvilson v dep police chief ret 123975 131885 ypaul prairie actingdep police chief 11 31 47 na s phyllis carlyle commissioner 102700 na joahn simmons commissioner- york county hospital 102331 na separate school board 97salary y1 12474- a na name position 98 salary susan larosa director 118374 jack cronin assoc director 112474 barbara bodkin superintendent 102381 bryson eldridge superintendent v norm fortin superintendent 103823 jeremy hill superintendent 103102 1o6655 charles mccarthy superintendent 102831 na sandra reinsborough superintendent 100997 100997 john sabb assocdirector 114974 111938 robert zoskey superintendent public school board is robert baynham- senior vp yorkcentralhospital 111511 yz yfyt ku tc t vs t nameki robert dacosta vdrcoroorate v 106873 i116911 robert dacosta drjjohndoucet vpicorporate f- asmita gillani clinical director 106873 188539 7- 166873c franktu presidentceojilsells va6o- v157450 h to pvoramsv- agnes vago 157450 116911 188882 v 130585 149019 aukhmstbwfvtlle hospital 5 nameyv position v yy 98 salary or phoebe sliokry chief ofjab medicine 183636 t elizabeth woodbury presiden resigned a 147789 stephen foreman yp iriiq 97 salary lt67999 na 108119 106708 name iiihogarth joseph ailin william gordpn john maclacfilan frances mckenna- position assoc director superintendent superintendent superintendent j- colette nemni superintendent bruce richarjison superintendent superintendent assocdirector superintendent superintendent superintendent r superintendent superintendent david snelgrbve- dr avis glaze 7 frank brathwaite jeanne page- t jaimini randev lynda sharratt william bell sharon craigen christine collins superintendent 109199 superintendent t 109107 103823 103823 98 salary 97 salary 141937 136977 114240- 114242 114240 114242 114240 114242 yl4240r r 114242 r 114240 114242 y 114242 t1 14240 t 114242 11 4240 11 4242 114240 114242 11 2800 t1 1 041 1 112800 11 0411 107881 109199 106800 106800 106271 cityofvaughan name position jmsalary scott someryille aty manager 7- 142513 theresa caron aty solicitor 116538 doris haas commissioner 111338 clayton hams frank miele commissioner commissioner 111338 111338 97 salary 141476 na 1 na na na diane finlay j- superintendent 107002 108214 robert harper superintendent r 107002 na townofmarkham name position joahn chechalk commissioner lome mccool cao maryfrances turner commissioner alan wolfe a commissioner town of richmond hill i name position dave weldon tr cao trrr t theresa kowalishin solicitor robert kennedy j fire chief janet babcbck- cqmriiissioner robert douglas jown clerk lyhton friedberg commissioner douglas lukef commissioner maureen mccauley rcommissioner steve zorbas commissioner townofaurora 98 salary 113092 131225 113092 113092 97 salary na 130224 112230 na name- marc neeb position cao 115736 98 salary 137893- 113887 114070i 108398 i 101024- iiooi6 102090 113202 105719 98 salary 97 salary 125603 101863 na v na na na na na na 97 salary 104606