3 v v t municipal hwsresidinlwmhaiiswsfs redrdihgcorhpiex byjoan ransberry staffwriter v v plans to build an indoor swimming poollibrary complex on 20 acfesof land in south park couhcitwas officially asked tuesday i claiming to represent about2bo concerned citizens who attended a latcham hall ratepayers meeting two weeks ago resident jim priebe said citi zens have a long list of concerns regard ing the ibmillion 32000squafe foot complex vtrw people are not so much anti south park as whitchurch- stotiffville priebe said the towns plan is to move the public library to the new facility neardown- town stouffville relocate three base ball diamonds and move the silver jubilee seniors cen tre into the vacant library location the preferred location for the pool is the l recreation centre priebe said people want have confidence that ithe location will serve rural resi- dents and current jim priebe wants town to scrap plans to build complex at me recreation complex j jhe land for theproject wafsprovid- ed by the developerpriebe said and he wants to know if the agreement is bind ing and whether or not the public can view the document p many people prefer the library be expanded on site- priebe said its heritage the library has been on main street for 100 years he said its important for business down- town its convenient for seniors and others within walking distance he asked for answers to all his ques tions be put in writing priebe is representing less than 2 per centof the towns 22000 people or an average of 67 of the towns 6000 house holds you asked the town a libraryindoor pool report made up of 46 questions and answers has been released 6yl the town here is a recap of the towns report and answers to the most common concerns mayor wayne emmerson handed out the report after activist jim pnebe presented questions linked to the controversial project the proposed 5million facility will be con- structed approximately a three to five minute walk from the existing outdoor pool in memorial park the new location just south of main street hasbeen dedicated town park land by the developer r the report stipulatesthat jstoufrvilles recre- ation centre on the ninth linexant accommo- town residents- priebe- asked for a project financial report outlining capital andopera- tional costs and wants figures to back tcouncus argumentthaf a joirrtprojecf- the complex because of a lack of space aia ui vu m ffiiuytu l while financial deal couldn t be ironed out would be more cost efficient thantwo wthe school board to build on lands at separate ones v f stouftvilledislrict secondary school priebe also asked pointed questions- fl 1 u i iu r j the report also states about access to the complexcand in i 1 j particular how it wiu change traffic pat- v 5 mhliqn capjtal are from 4 iiiu 1 reservesthere wi be no debenture sterns on area streets and the impact on m uc m taxes over the next five years council is committed not to increase taxes to ivpfiebeemndedrcburicu that chief j c- wwf jvrwi the library will be moved because council tipn compjexipthein fi j residents acombihatioii of servlcesrby fsizeci indoor p6olbut thacisunfoundedwithoutconcrete thejnewccess will be through franklin v numdefs v i streetln trie futurethe faciliry will havethree k- n vvtiatcwilldtne access points park drive hoover rirk requiremfenrebfpr aninddpr pool nri franklin street f how rhanyparking spots are available and franklin street existing trees will be preserved education public board corhmitsltobmdifigbobm stouffville kiiig only twq cwibot ikludef by jennifer brown t spaces by the 2004 school year need to be considered tpbetter rt f based on enrolment -prp- use schpdsandc reduce get ready for another build- vjected for the next fiyeyears reliance on pqrtaplesr-v- ing boom the publicschool the board estimates it will x- last year parents- students board is about to embark on receive 152 million in annual and teachers were angered 245 million worth of con- grants tb help finance con- when the board jdecidedtb structionover the next five stfuctiori i l- convert special design tech- years szisfc in addition to building new hology and family studies pro- the boards tobuild list has facuities the board will also grams into regular classrooms 41 projects to be started receive 8 million annually for to conform to ministry guide- between now arid 2003 to renovations arid repairs to lines for use of space accbmmodate3600 new stu- existing schools the board argued the pro- dents each year under the provincial fund- grams were outdated and now included on the list are 21 ingformularthe government part of other coursescreated new elementary and sec- provides jibouf 10 per cent of bytheriewcurriculurh t r bndafy requixedhjiancing in the s 4liditionsand feplacernentof beginriingtenablirig boards to three elementary schools get shovels in theground vbufth grants are based on a 25year debenture system the list of projects to be built will be reviewed annually to confirm heeds and priori tipc a key component jof including v henderson avenue in thornhill which was destroyed by fire last summer this is even better 1han anticipated this will take a huge chunk c p t portables the board wants to out otour portable stock t eliminate at- leastv300 in the r next four years f- the figures also include ofthe41projectsonthlist seven schools already under crothers said half are related to construction in richmond hill new growth the otherprojects maple and keswick simply create more class based pn funding grants room space for children now in already provided by the portables province officials believe all the school expansipn com- the projects will proceed- ponent stretches across the this is even betterthan we region with the exception of anticipated said board chair- whitchurchstouffville and person bill crothers this will king township take a huge chunk out of our there is no growth in those portable stock areas crotrlers said r i wherf complete the new and despite what is being schools and additions will touted as good news jtfpard eliminate 167 portables v staff cautioned tnat bqundaiy create 19000 new student and program changes may the following schoolconstructioh projects have been identified as priori- ties by yorks public school board townschool- lauroraauroragrove georginathomlodge drive geoiginakeswick year complete 2000j 2002 georgipabiscayne 2000 marlamangusgtevberczy 2001 maridiamwismercomell 12003 r v markhamwoodbmeberczy 20012 jmarkhamboxwbod v 2000 marwiamdenisoncedariand 2002 newmartetclearmeadowv 2000 newmaiketnevvmarketeg 20012 newmarketnewmarket 2001 oak ridgescoons road 1999 richmond hillfrank endean 1999 s richmond hillbantry 20034 richmond hillwycliffe 2002 richmond hillyorkland street v 2000 thornhillworth 1t 4999 vaughan maplerutherford 2000 vaughanmichellednve a secondary school project- s s 2000 i 1 frompagel i gs serioust cmcern satetyarid reduce crime the pplicelrlyestigation into the horse shoot- irigsiehtersits fourth monmbespitethe offef- stbuffviuevcrimewatch program- earle told greenyvinds farmsat bloomingtonroadand couricufmepspgattobk v v v vf stouffvmebecauskbtthe ofseshdotingslastv r with sucha rewardwed expected this to be- r december january ry v solveditwediscpuragiriglemd the shootingsare of a serious concern f -i- ivvueitisnofknovvnifte earle said i know there is much interest in the the horses hurts people research shows there is community in working together to increase a strong possibuity f vv o a s b v t j- i r y- i f j iarkhaafa grand opening this weekend english country condo homes from only 179980 xt xr vi -viw- uis j xvj- tl r i r j jg tmt mmsm vv t v vll j