sfef j 1 bywckvandewjnde jt t7 he two college smdentscouldm believe their eye fhlsiiiayedr j v internet was child pornography -t- mternet access the 85000student board allows- eiy student has i fee systems simi nployees but vohebregt said that would requiretalbgirig exactly tr- tright i j r lrwehave to hayeaccess in schook so the problem is vouebrpredicteerewpb t as soon as we were told we called in the police mmedi v going tincreasevouebregt said thats the flip side to grams can identify the images available oh site atlyfmaqonewauenstffe cou instead of just identifying their reference iagsf torrsaid it jwasa jblear eolation of conduct sothe persdn v sirice there is ho software that can filter out every inap- until thenpolicihg internet use will remain a challenging was terjminated immediately prophateitednmemterhe preoccupation- wrkregiohal police also laid a possession of child v v- v v pornography charge against an instructor alleging the j r finstitutiohs such aslschbols and libraries that offer internet am i access- o t v 1 havi db you keep out the endless amountsbf sleaze avail jg able restnclihg access to valuable 5r iriformaun jp v 3 v r- a high school student doing research on breast cancer for- l i v t instanrp will linrlniihtpnlvrnmp arrnss snmp inannrnnnatr v designers pallet custom made window coverings venetians verticals j pleatedshades i s as fraapaint wallpaper any carpet purchase s t see store for complete details f j j o 31 j l j f f o t 4 i j0t v- to vr v i- iraiitn