wurnrf r t iiiii ii i ajj jtacii a j y iii ir miinrtniiji wn i qu r hommtw a icll v k s p3sk j2 3 rbybickvandekunde staff writer ipnghadconvinced tiie board to y the bbardisnow headed by k3ng w delayia12300ptrategic plw the prbyirfcesouce j 1 sided tii torr regions police associa auditors v v stojanovic said union members can tion jigreeingtiie umohsconiplaints but tiie provinces police watchdog now meet with the board before every joanransberry5 against thvpplice services board were said several initiatives including the public meetings marked departure largely substantiated l- l strategicxfplan werevweltv j v underway from the us against them approach in butthepntaridciyiyantonimission- while tie unions complaints were being the past k on jpoluseryjces stopped short of call- investigate j 0 occops stojanovic added will con- mg fofa public inquiry deciding its issues which gave rise tothe tmue to monitor the forces progress timetomoyepil x- p bfigmal request have by and large been t the police watchdog also agreed itis6ur4feeling thaf no useful pur- addressed josiah wrote withthe unions positionthat special pose would be served by mounting a r i m v y r treatment was given to former chief i i i i- i i i i i reallyjust a godf witriherv0 0 i tullscale public anquiryinto tissues which aire nbwl largely liistorical nature hyacirithe j6siahthe cbmrnis tsionjs senior adviser said in a reportt v josiah added that anjnquiry into the a former boafdshwdliny of the force 7 vbryan coiisineauwhp pleaded guilty to criminal breach of trust hen tiie battle against crime is treated as a community responsibility andnot simply dumpedjnjhe jap of the police weve got a fighting chancer now that the eyes ofj i the union iwahted ithe disgraced stouffville are open were ahead of thegame j s to facepouclct charges over his m the p 15 monthsrstpuffyiue has experienced af fnisconciuctv run of criminal activity including vandalism windows but the police bbafd which paid j smashed flower ppte toppled signs ripped from the ku advancement ofthe progressthat fias 3 the union argued aoucecdnstabre r already been made by the york regional v brvan r julian bkntinp wo have been penalized under simi- f most law abidmg people mduding our police a pouce service josiah wrote 7 wnsmbu highly regarded lar circumstances 5 vl j l officers are bright while the greatjnajority of criminals f he policecuriioh called for a public v officer now at v josiah acknowledged the stupid heres my definition of a criminal tf roof inquiry intbthe police boards conduct f treatment union helmoffdrcex appareritlnconsistehcyrtiie report said vvithnerve a f c injfebruary s v- v a tiie issuedidnt fall under the provincial o j recently visited stouffville district secondary j vairri i 1 uau c r 1 school and witnessed the launch of student grime- v 2 itytbimprdve r least we were told our concerns- however they chose not to do so 1 jm iratthetime the union blamelijfor- f we jqsiahsjreport states 1 mertipmdchairpersonldredkmgland stojanovic saidviweaccept it now we josjaii added cousineauhas already s i j- iheoarafortailingtolnoveahea left the forces payrolland chief julian i tecomnndatiqris hva damning j king andvaughanmayor lorna v fantinoi a high regarded officer- has v provincial audit t- 4 jacksonjiave since left their taken over k 5 1 1 1 1 stoppers a fivemember york regional police team i explairiedto about400 students how theeyes oft1 stouffville will work -v- student crime stoppers is now aprovince- wide plan its working to maintain safe and secure schools const tom korte stressed j 4 r through studerrtcrme is guaranteed j vy a t j l j someone repbrting a- crime to student crime j stoppers have to worry aboutbeing discovered i because the caller doesnthave to givea namerx caller i t j can even collecta reward wtiiqut-beingidenified- 1 j a student neednt worry aboutbeinga snitchr 1 criminsdqntdesenelwhile youre sweatingabout ri 1 blowing the whistle thethiefwouldnt bat an eye whefo fobbing ypuhedtake ypurmoneyrfasfer s v s man yotf couldjcrimestqpriers v r k s students 1 wereadyised to watch but fofajidjclescribe isuspicious activities such as unwanted vehicles around speeding im going to take thecue ariddo my bit my beef ispeeding truckers who runredlightsat- blqpmington- road and line v road watchi plan bh making note of plate numbers this is frs 37rcriarged eqiints of impaired driving and his m nichqlasxl7 treated for minor injuries for full my route to work since some tfucwershave no regard nstorysee front pagev artv l j j i a for my safety nobody should cut themahy slack iy v- n w v w 1 b rf5e- ford mercury ggf ggastaayya tffckatmfejtja imesij mmm vtjcii vvmnw mamaiuiaofn7if 5l r our customers are the focus of everything we do i 48 months oac see dealer for details tm