j o fc v v v i c- ffv serving webtehur ghs w uffmll e since 1888 f 50 cents including gst 24 pages tuesday march 23 1 999 to reach us 905 6402100 as- police store cferfc terrified after being peppersprayed thursday 1 1 ajyeafbld markjiamihan fe j they beinnbcent r asked terrorized- while they waited he ran ichaeiwithimpaireddnvi v tr v i wjpeopiledi4d in atsundayster v 3obncilbatiwardenavenuejahd hginjrcja t igyct a passerby who heard the saw a man uj store got into his across hwy 47- man parked to attack charges that a fort erie frightened togo to school- entered thestore and asked what blocka narrow laheway cutting- teehls facing h- 1 x x i york regfonalpohce sg jtime it closed he then asked for a off rthe only escape route for a annan sabr whose teenage john sheldon said tfterearemsufr pack of gunrand a pack of ciga pontiac containing a man and bromefwasattacmwriilewdrkificient grouridsfor charges rettes two girls r k j- bykathleen griffin r cstarwrrfer possession offensive weapon i j2hargesagamstmejbtherldriver