4 v ts j j- is r v- e j v 3- rf i r call fat a free personal discussion 5help with creditor problems g proposal to creditors ls vfl personal business bankruptcy i lfinancial counselling 5 at churchy aurfcra s5w9 3w5i772j77 email patpatrobinsoncoin jpeb wwwpatrobinson com 9555ydngesi40f latweidrick richmond hill i- ci musi su jwvl skjt bymikefadler v istaff writer kv v j j al ir i v f safurday march 20th dinedance -h- mhappymjsialfs v 0pen7days thursday wasagoocliay f6rubkctransitirirk region iregibrfatghairperebri bill fisch said jgo transitanother votitmayhavebeenadadbneft task fo partner doesnt have capacity to handlerkdre rid- i itwasgdodbecausejayorkrontaklfbrce ers fisck guessed triat three to five items on thegroups list arid various transit managers who put squabbling aside may be feasible but some real wiris are still possible v vcame up with dozens of proposals to makeour transit net- you canttdoeverything richmond hill mayor bill beu workbefter agreed sutaddedthinkwe have to get cracking bn some they found la way to give special needs riders a lift to ihyofththinbrepkgetfeclup r j fwheremey want m me region making crossbou w i alot easier imgoihghbme to celebrate group chairperson federal subsidjesfor transit an idea the transportation min- otwrawtt rondcbcmordianehumehiukdeclared afterwards isters of both governments recently dismissed but thursday was also a tfacl aayecause the task force 3 r humeniuk said shes confident many of the shorterterm had tdmittrieregiori has almost no money to make ton- projects tilings like continuous bus routes across munici- vjsit improvements 7 z 7- z- pal boundaries high occupancy vehicle laneson yonge that means you canlasv goodbye many of the 13 pro- street andbetter local bus connections to go stations jecfeor hewroutes recommended for this year markham senecacouegeand york university could be done for lit- mayordoncousenssaid tie or no money pickthejwo prthreethat have the best chance he but she acknowledged tiie regions staff will be spending suggesfedwewnotgdmgtodosomethmgurilessitpays muchoftheir time this year taking control of ambulance ser- im not -t- z t vices and starting a central firedispatch v taskforce members were enthusiastic however about a scrip ridetprogfam for special needs riders the scripsystem would use private accessible taxis to take people across mam st jrilly dcerfeea fa q unionvillei 4772715 sundays 12 00 1000 pm j j jv if s k r vvvi newtoqmr area aooe 1 the suqarbush r maple syrup festival boundaries providing they pay part of the rides cost per- hapshalf r the program whichcould ir1999eliminate for the dis- abled the needfor difficult transfers between jocal services in v theregion would cost perhaps 175000 more per year to x run than thestatus quo plus 30000 more to expand such j serviceo presently unserved areas like king township regional transportation director paul may addedhowev- er that each municipality would be able to opt out theother shortterm improvements will be reexamined v by municipal transitmanagefs who will rank them in prior- itvfor the task force next month sidwkfcss buzatc studio sale all1suprlies march 19 20 21 hours 10 am 6 pm registration starting now for april classes a 905 472t1 774 j i 10 pewrsjreet markhamf wej site wwwtorontocomcarl 1999 golf membership now available minutesffsi5tmbrlham stouffvilk richmondhill offering full dminq facilihes- i tsj gall nowand haveji i i- v 4 leondeaaire gpgaj rgiveyou a tour or the golf course racililies he m vwealso specialize vi inweddings v it 1 viw5v klocatedati- eairfxrt 1 fv gpgaj 1 xs 4j 4 r 1 j a u golfcountryclub fi4irofi4a5 lv