il if- t l rejhonalafburs v 1 to v v v s s h n f bylisa queen r stfwriter s- si they were teldfig one last rmbefd x 5somuimgwentte were not saying jimmy never drank biit he was very rrsnlnypiirrieuwasapopuiaryo 1 have a good time with his friendsincluding swigarig jimmy slamml head first into hibbitfs chest hedied o- believing something positive has tocome out of her sons back a beer or two t k a broken neck while hibbitt died of massive- internal death mary now wants to start a bradford chapter of against buttherewasonethinghejustwouldntdo mix injuries n drunk drivers land take an antidrinking and drivingcam- drinking withdriving hed learriedaboutthe deadly toxicology results showed hibbitthad 112 times the paign to local high schools rresultsasastudehtacdupleofyearsearuerdurihga legal limit ofalcohol in his bodywhen he died afterau thats where jimmy learned the message presentation at bradfo district high school but jim and maryhad to wait ninemonths for the results but marys crusade will have a different twist thafs what makes his death all the more tragic say his of jimmys tests which proved what they had always known while most antidrunk driving programs are geared to devastated parents jim arid mary purnelt in uteir hearts jimmy hadnt had a drop to drink j cars mary wants people to be aware of the deadly mix of c on jan 24 1998 jimmy was killid in a headon snowrrio- r mary haspieced together what happened from police alcohol and recreational activities reports and eyewitness accounts ircan be just as fatal to mix booze with snowmobilirig jimmy couple of buddies and dave hibbitt a 38-year- tney were calling it a day they wre cauing it quits boating dirt biking or dozen of other activities old neighbour who lived two doors downfrom the pumells because of daves conditionhe was being silly and every- jim and mary also hosted the second annual jimmy had spentme afternoon showmobiling thmg like that they just had one more run and this hap- purnell memorial birthday bash in honour of what would have been his 22nd birthday money faisedfromlast years party held just a month after jimmys death is being used to paint a mural down town i j v ii 4 rir ws we use quality cation or xerox n colour copiers 4 jk r pen digital twe ean print from laminating binding disk to digital colour cutting and folding desktop y custom publishing t- fpromote your images rmwnrv- withvcustom stamps v ff menus posters vv businessscards letter- s let our digital c l j li specialist5catefto your design needs heads banners sighs k binders and more 1 sometimes question and wonder why he had to die especially when there are people like paul bernardo- why do you have to take jimmy why cant you take a scum bum like him funds from this years bash will be used for a community project in jimmys memory jim and mary are toying with the idea of buying playgrqund equipment for a park s they insist they cant let jimmys memory die i cantldse my son there has to be a reason they say theres a reason foreverythingvmary said i sometimes question and wonder why he had to die especially when there are people like paul bernardo why do you have to take jimmy why cant you take a scum bum like him jinvand mary know their son wasnt perfect but he was a special young man j jimmywas friends with absolutely everybody young and old jinisaidr its not fair only the good die young how manytimes have you heard that mary agreed her son was unique v 3tihjunmy you could meet him once and it felt like you i kriew your whole life hejust had that special way about- himeyerybody was special to him in some way regardless of who you were she remembers her son picking up a young hitchhiker who explained before falling asleep in jimmys truck that he had travelled north to see his mother but the woman turned the teenager away although jimmy was only going- as far as bradford he ended up driving the sleeping youth to downtowntorpnto and buying him breakfast before returning home- bjabmjirnmys best friend was snqwmobiling with jinrnyrhibbittandhibbittsbr6therm ralph kinsella w when trie collision occurred s 4 r he held jimmy injfiisarms unableto dq anything but wipe the bloo from his nbse as hvfrierid died at- jimmys funeral there wervmore people there than f- atipme stones concerts thisguy kriewmore people than a you could shakeastickat said babin also a friend 6f hifibittancikinseua l was always doing something he k hisexact words wre there will beplehty of time to sleep v when you re dead- i t babin has had a difficult time dealing with his best friends death f he wants to get the message out there dont let your friends drink aqddriyebecausenobodyshould go through what ihe went through seeing your friend diein your arms jim said t going on iviuyscuuv y 4 vbuotsyqh you should walk t arquncarfying asign saymgtmstill grieving ibuttthe pumells stress mey dont hate hibbitt t havenohatred toward dave saidx sf- fy tiburrjiistdont understand whyvwhy did this have to j nappenfw jv vi s hehibbittpaidthe ultimate price jim added 1 blamebadluckwewoidhavebeehangry i but wehaveno one tobe angry at s vi h vs jim and mary hope the antidrunk dnvmg campaign and foiwmtbwpeoplekeepsayihg ybucan forgethim marvsaid