taxlricreiass j 0 a-v-h- one or our- responsibilities as financial planners is to protect clients from excess taxation but we now need yoirivhelp the latest federal budget is a great disappointment to usonce again by joan ransberry vs m19r9tjlwr wjii c r i staff writer o gravel pit owners could wake up tomorrow to tighter laws 1 j tonight gravel pit owners are expected to be out in full force at a council meeting where a new bylaw is being con- first the government failedlo increase the annual rrsp contribution limits and failed to raise the slderedv v v 1 tjk j j 1 1 pressureon ourmpsto create a fairer tax system -j- vl4 v- currently we havea three tiered tax system hia income level v y v a average feaeral arid provincial tax rb 29590 2959lvto59180 za plover 59180 t this will change from proyincejo province generally annually thesetax levels dnlyrgehiridexed inflation is o jexhactivewill be banned ftswellas prohibiting the placing of fill in lands zoned crural exttactive town staff has recorhrhended that the bylaw includea provision to require au pit owners whoplace fill in excess 5000 cubic feet to enter into ah agreement with the towrirv r j the new bylaw is proposed to ensure that the fill does not vjcqntaniinate the natural environment and that itconforms with existing environmental laws staff pointed out typit nwrtfirsaw also hpiner rrminhpd thatthftv pit ownersare also bemgreminded thatlthey should manyhigh income earnersare contributing to rrsps ftnefewiliconverttheir rrsps torrifsvridbe taxed on v- y stepped in after area residents rnrjlairied tiiatttrucks were going in aiid of the picpnstniction debriswas being dumped on the site- the ministry found j chargesrwere laid and the easels stiubeforejthe shortly c after the province laid the charcesthertowrirgbt v void irifin qli0ngep3s sy vi ay vzrfyl ti v i- 1 1 l i sluluallsfrds are sold by owmblmnymwd mfefullneseffi vf jks s i tl j ai i i v h 1 4 2l l 1 3s v yl 1 ir v r 3