c economist suri stoufmue tribune- sv 1 3i bymarksufrin correspondent origin dates back- some i 2000 years when filipino war- riors first discovered its benefit as a tool of war i of course between ttattles several yoiing soldiers were sure ly more inclined to practice walk ing the dog j havmgenduredmore than its fair share of ups and clowns since donald duncan sr first intro- duced the toy jn theearly part of 5 the 20thcentury the yoyo has returned with a vengeance itkeeps them away from the heres how it works computers and the videos says as the yoyo descends and samantha lomow marketing speeds up centrifugal force pulls manager for bandai canada dis ballbearings on each side of the yomega in the early 80s and patented a fourway clutch sys tem that has yearly yomega sales v skyrocketing todays young yoyo aflcionadosare more inctined to split the atom ride the elevator put the t rocket in the pocket dabble with a brain teaser or slay the sidewinder the proof is in the tricks we put on lots of shows where well take our product to malls- and things- like that lomow says the response has been just tremendous it seems to be what both the parents and the chil- drenwant in the last five months yomega has sold millions of return tops worldwide including about two million in north america alonesince november jarret thompson a 10-year- old markhamresidemyhasdone his share to helprejuvenate a decadesold pastime browsing theallsoldout shelves at toys r us on steeles avenue for the tributor of yomega the hottest and latest in returntop technol ogy- v a lot of concerned parents are trying to gettheirkids to find wholesome entertainment that doesnt simply involve sitting yoy6 outward this causesthe latestyomega hepullsausedau- clutch to release and allows the staryomegas basic model sell- yoyo to spinfreelyasthestringis mg for about 7 from his pocket fully extended bearings also allow it to spin up tofour times y faster than a traditional yoyo when the top begins to slow lomow says theyomega seems me centrifugal force lessens and tofitthat the bearingsmove inward this althqughvduncan- still causes the clutch to catch and remains one of the most recog- the yoyo to return all by itself- nizable names in yoyos lomow explaining yomegas clutch says yomega has put a hew face sys be a bit of a chal- to an old pastime lenge for the average 10yearold athat faceis the brainchild of but put one in hisor her hands alan amaradvwho founded t and rib explanation is needed v in a matter of seconds he has- been around the world three times s they sleep better and that gives you more time to do your tricks he says id be a lot better if myidad didnt have it half the time jarrets dad may be cutting into his sons yoyo time but that shouldnt- surprise anyone who dp see renewed page 18 tamng your yoyo vwoiv that youve mastered the simple sleeper its time to learn how impress your friends or kids depending on whos igotpssessiohoftheyoyo but beforeyouattempt togp around the world ofwalkthe dog make sure thesirlng is the- y- proper lengthsltshouldettenm yi a d0g tlirowa long sleeper lower the yoyo to around the world witrf palm down throw the yoyo 7 j i ouharieeping tke sthrigtighbthe ypyowill then fdrwarclxrnake if sleep swing it up and rotateit in the l roll jorwafd acrosthefloorpulitkestrin preturn the j air when the ydyo7returris to the front a lightpull will e iryqyo dontjowsr ittdtquicki6rthe ybryowjlfcome returnjttoyourhandf v vilpp elevator in the sleep positioii place your indexfinger k creeper in the sieeb bosition lower the vovo to the iiistbelow the middleof the string then lift that same u t r juu j dog bite throw a sleeper between your legs when the iu- j rockthejcradle in the sleep position put your hand v jyoyo moves to pull on the string so that the yo i f pwweng near jifograb asppt about yptouchesltheinidejof yourthigh asit triestoreturn to i v 7fouihthes yo riandand makesh rvduj h shpuld yourpants- causing theiyoyoto v- vuldsldeddwhtnakglerwiththetstririgrockt f bite into thematerial loose fitting pants are yecom- c i ercc and forththraugh the tiiangle syjr mended zfftm vs vtii i mfrz ae- vw -l- l v 5 -rv- i hightech yoyo models will alspjrequire regular maintenance to oil unscrew the two halves remove the nylon bearings i and use half a drop of oil oritheakle this procedure after about eight hours of play the string should also be mike svendsen takes it on the chin as his yoyo tnck the swing goes awry iher fthatj6he tfe tfir visv 0 yi ijftftii2v5ub fevrpifj j utt- jbtvm wv 90547veyes3937 mthhmttji 9fi wwsawssw tj5ojg