hub i i tc v v r i i r rrr 5 bymikeadler staff writer ip m a3 jvovel ambur gdirl nuts about a someon r r t x powerful love- struck milenac q csogor- of newmarketlsillyoneday whenshesawamanatthedoor it whackedmaureeihalstednd marktj conboyof stouffville simultarieously between z theevessh f a i j it wallopedfem jreid russellof thornhill t i from clear across a room theght she saw her l mmrehusbandvvliamrish1ewr arrow had struck v t 7 l wherilove youhardfsome of y6utold t us theresiustno mistaking it 1 gsogor was lovestruck when she sawher v r future husband joe his eyeswere so green like a cat she wrote we both stared at each other like we had neverseen a human bemg before ij 5 4 halsted was thunderstruck when conboy f got t out of j his truck to deliver wood to hera- stouffvillehomev i couldnt talk1 couldnfjl v i couldnt do anything she recalled aslncredibly felt tkesamethmg j- iswatright betweenfthe id4 i moment we ettih tove after two years i am now without marc for awhile exceptfor the smell f his cologne that still lingers oh his 1 slothes our pictures and his voice on i j the phone marc is currently sta- l honed with the canadian armed u forces in quebec for a few montlis 1 our valentines day will not be until the beginning of march when he can leave his base and where i will be j waiting with open arms and the biggest smile one could imagine i v tracy viggers gormiey a j someone asked me recently whdc was the secret of being happily mar- riedfor bven years i said as long as i can remember gerry and i have always eatenout twice a week she- eats out tuesdays i eat out fridays c bill gnnnell markham 7 can honestly say i met the man i omy dreams and wouldnt trade 4fo v v jtvnij jx staffphotostevesomervhi him in for brad pitt atoxfea 9i iu cr f-j- j i i- u- i ia anffila canto markham 1 inanai candjleutjdjnner and or simply taking a break from j angeia anio marknam