skmsii emergency services r i community snapshots fzz55ews lakecelebrates tlieecon i j vr- r f f r ft geplsglot b from page thexomrhunications centre could be the first step on the road to a regional fire depart- s fi daife i say that word- a 997 extensive review of fire services rec- a wordfmeif argument wiu be look meigirigthe lirfian fire its costing taxpayers for centralized fire departments in york region a move that- dispatch he said would save96milli6n over the next 25 years r tildnt want an argument in the pub- according to the study the top priority is v he look at what its costing us without com- amalgamating the four dispatch centres into paring the costs of continuing under the cur- on v reritsystem y the transition team should consolidated molyneaux agreed centralized dispatch is the fourexisting communicationsdispatch necessary r operations into one centre with upgraded see this whole issue as cost avoidance systems and trainespefsonriel to support the mprovmsfrce 7 n fire department the report stated k yvaughan regional- councillor joyce the committee is still considering whether j fmstagliosmditsumeforpouticianstcthink tbiinkthedispatcfi centre with theyork v about whats best for residents regional police communications system or v s ifweras politicians can take off our blind- t0 g0 with aprivate company such as clearriet hp ers ahctnot bepafochial were providing a q bell mobility hbme1 heifer service totheresiderits of york region r xbmmitteemust alsodecide where x everybody is entided to the same- level of ser tlietentrewfflbeestablished newmarket has z vice thats what were here for l c6ffefedto housethe fteadquarters at itsnewf y 1 outdoor fun photossjoerd witteveen between councillors fire chiefs and firefight- expected to start next year the committee is prevented v system from being l also investigating the idea of folding ihambu- implemented v lance dispatch in the future j council approved pehtralized dispatch last the committee stressed there will be no year and the committee is working to get the- layoffs when centralized fire dispatch is intro- centre up and running byjan 12000 l duced v poollibrary mayorpromisesno tax hike this year j gins y i the sleigh fromleftto right sean p rw- i a p 7 11 jv rx 1 rice 14 brent thomas 14uules tr mew 5 kimten eomidlex r l2 r pat lake residents v enjoyed day outdoors lasts saturday during the chamber of commercesponsored winter carnival above daniel c charles 5 and tina yates 11- wipe i out on the hill while tubing at right jessica velletri 7 uses 2x4s asskiesto i get aroundwhuejjelow 1st stoufryille i 1 scout braidl raybbiild 12gets a ride larkin a j 7- irwfv l edto be as high fas40p0p0 a year vould v facing a tax hike is not sitting well with a i j impaction metownsmiurate some while others object to the fact thepub- j the capital cost meanwhile is to come lie library will relocate to the new complex 3 ci l l h i jh j a ittl s fl rci vrrvr award winning community visit 10 spectacular new model homes i s rtft mim vti vss r 31 i a lis- a n