it should corneas ho surprise tkaf the world the 1999 hondalqdyssey minivanis where trie s r r secondgen gill vriiff salec 5weve had them oh back order four built by the v-s- i about three months now way isbeing l j built y at v aiotisnd 42f9 i nniv vlwddyssey has raised several eye- ing on this fi j vo i brows of jaded auto journalists i know vehicle nter- t weve had trouble keeping up with the demand r v edmd arnold general sales manager i for north maiknam honda speaking v about he 1999 odyssey f- yburtive- oftheminivan that used the same i fit is a formula that is of little interest was based on a model sold in in north america the first generation japan and therefore was smallef and odyssey was only a lukewarm seller its built on ah buyers coming from the honda-faith- accord ful and with four- f honda could not ignore jhe fact the b a n g e r- chrysler ls niinivans fare the bench- engine mark of ihesegment- with the hew down- odyssey honda clearly looked at the sized- -less- market and the available equipment powerful and came to the inescapable conclu- nii n i va n s sion that they had to have a robust v6 have been at least 5000 litres of gross interior vol- tried before umetheabilityto the ubiquitous like the nissan 4x8 sheet of drywall seats for seven axxess that wasput out of its misery with easily rerhbvabktback seats and three yearsago w wimout doubt outdoors meback two poweroperated if possible the 1999 v does all ofttiat olcj with j list siriyon v mes with adattvsjitre ve with 210 horsepower arid 229 pounds cvper foot of torque r i transport cahadaduel economy is r132l 100 kuomefrevn the city and 85l kilometre onfthe highway r j z psengervqlumeus 4834 litres and 15- total volumeis75445 4623 litres jjefiiridvfirst yowof seats the seats niofeon this laterdo amazing tricks andduahslidingvdoors power on the yex are part of the standard package i- odyssey jssofferedintwo versions melxat0760 and the ex as tested rphereatseoofv p j the odysseyoffers value said l arnoldr the jbdyssey comes standard the new qdyssey is the first mini- van toipffer head restraints and three- point- seat belts at all seven seating positiojiis tfie only minivanwith a fold- down thirdjseatlt features the widest front and rear track iriifs classx i at pi if bmw perfect sense service packages converts- easily frombucketno bench seatsfandccan folded or removed m v cargo capacity foldsdown reverse directionifi they encounter resistancewhile closing lisfe theex wayspowerdnverfeseattadjust- f cdiplayer r tj and six j speakersjt steeringwheel v v mounted audio controls auto j