i t wmwjtaktt s t 55 r s eronomist sunv sfeue tffliin4 say jaa 301999 35 j poollibrary c0mplexflfo7kzteers worry moving library wiuhurtjuhdraiser iv byjoanransberry staffwriter moving the public library to south parkland twinning it with the indoor pool project could jeopardize a 600000 expansion fundraising campaign a facility official told the stouffville- tribuneyesterday 1 uprooting melibrary from its present downtown sitewilf libraryindoor swimming pool complex to be built oh 20 acres of- vacant land at south park hear obrien avenue we agreed dont see much support from main street they take the library for granted t council is expected to make a final decision on the project feb 2 at a meeting earlier this week residents expressed concern the complexs operating costs pegged at about 400000 a year f coijd jaike taxes- x f jwiliiams jfhe bvudihg costs wiu come v atibn- tf tkic ic4vipiniit nf thttnwnc 1 1 millinnv fli v s r 1 sk kits ibbi 19bsb nii3jrvcijo accept itw 5jan williams j s worried relocation- e if this ittkerout of the towns llmiqion sl feel badly about the move i just f v merlki eewihg vf jlr tl dfrompagel benincase r- cnildreh fea- news of the tragedy has turing salad c wehopeaigelinajcan betrahs- touched the corfimunity in less roastbeeffple ferfedto markham stouffville than four days more than 5000 and ice cream hospital forrehabilitatioh so she- has been donated to jthemullings will be doriatj can behowtoher baby francis andbaty to fiep said x-f- t stouffville credit union on main w miillings and farnilyrmenibers flew infrom rstreet baby trust jamaica aridfrdnveunitedr fund i static to attend mememorialser- credit unioncliief administrative corner vicerfv jmx- r officer larfyisrriith has approved house staff w stevesmomcame his sister sa contributionrtothe fund the has also steve jackson funeral service- held at sunnybrook- je andmovvdtostbuffvmeh tak- musslemahs lake charlindas xzffy ing partthe restaurant isdonat- chocolates has launched a ftkeyjivantedrtb false their ting proceeds from a special order fundraiser from feb 5 to feb 14 family anjaquiet and caring- pnftfeb 7 proceeds from a 15- 10 per cent of salesyidll bedonat- munity mary 1 meal fopadultwahda 7 meal for ed- staff photosj0erdwitteveen emily lqfthouse 5 in red coat andsister amy lofthouse 7 negoti ate the treacfierous icebn the hilun front of the sjouffville rec centre saturday if j-s- jafrompagel jvj tke npncjongrand i rfsian r acknowledged home- w i j r- y markham mayor don cousensv jiii2jrj a wifinupr i find u n of me regions financeconi- 1 councillors will be looking the next v qneof options is to reverse councils these taxpayers under- decisiontodelegate the setting of tax i r ratiosto local municipalities 5csf they fairness means giving people time to c york and peel were theohly regions d0nc0usens politicians will be looking at several tax options real hardship especially seniors who dont quite qualify for result of reassessment and markhams 8 per cent tax which determine the tax burden each j property class bears but the decision also ruled out the possibility of using a provincial tool that would have allowed council to cap business taxes at 25 per cent for three years r