nnrrmli liiiiainiwiiriimriiifiiniiiillil cfi a economist sun stduflville tribune saturday jan 30 1999 17 j- jm pijtmetotier wfae the mad mmtnmumwv markriit stpuffnlle hospitajjj3 foundation dstic services a the need to combine compassionate human relations skills sophisticateld technical understanding and specialized medical knowledge ris- crucial r as patients and consumers we jare encouraged to becomemdre aware ofwhat to look for from bur healths care system at markhamvstouffvjllle hospital- patients v can- expect individualized care bymghlyskjeedaiid friendly professionals usmg modem medical equip ment these photos witfdduce you to someothe dedicated staff physi- danaridrvolunteersinthe hospitals diagnostic services department andthe tools they use when the need arises resideiitsjcan resst assured jarkhani andthe focusto provide testing in a compassionate and patieht manner rjy v -f- a j i i l c a special advertising supplement to the markham economist sunstouffville tribune a