i 1 ik i sjvjiifa advertising feature cijf economy sun stoudvilie tribune tuesday jao 19 1999 47 i momytali- gforimrrsp look foran interest rate that is aslow as prime nc as we enter the rrsp season it get the money you need now to make you can now carry forward unused por- pay off your loan can help you get start- seems that we all have good intentions your contribution file your tax return tions indefinitely paterson said ed toward taking full advantage of your toward securing our financial future and use your tax refund to help pay and enjoying the immediate tax bene- down the loan fits of making a solid rrsp contribu- when borrowing for your rrsp rob tion but like so many people today we paterson general manger of retail usually have trouble finding the money lending marketing atcibc suggests we need to make that contribution that you should be on die lookout for i one option is an rrsp regular interest rates as low as prime investment plan where you designate another feature to look for when a specific amount to be transferred borrowing for an rrsp loan is a 120- every month from your bank account daydeferral option paterson said j directly to your rrsp this option allows you to forego youll avoid the lastminute rrsp your first loan payment for a period of scramble plus youll be putting your 120 days while you wait for your tax money to work for you right away refund liflf ea sheltered income all year long this year you can alsotake advan but unless you had the foresight to tage of maximizing your unused rrsp set up this kind of- plan last year contribution room chances are youre how facing a-last- with changes in government regu minute scramble lations there is now an opportunity for the next best solution for most peo- many canadians to reap tax benefits pie is an rrsp loan if you have not maximized your thistypeofloanisasimplewayto rrsp contributions in recent years partners in your success income taxes business startups business consulting- accounting profit improvement bookkeeping v v- obriagefwm jeff greeinfieu chartered accgimams v i05-47b-9292- 9b5470955r plan your rrsp for life personal corporate financial services rrsps insurance resps r mortgages rrifs tax services finka crane bsc sf- air 741 77a1 bleabmupn i p oo f i investois group financial semces ik cab tor your complimentary financial review borrowing and using your refund to unused rrsp contributions dynamic protected mutual funds 100 capital protect ionafter it years hyharttorcl life lock in gains up to twice yearly total liquidity and llexjhility breast health every j womans rightir everyones responsibility canadian isodtrt cancbt i canauenne society- iducancer for- more information cpntactyour bii6cal canadian history has shown that longterm international investing can reduce the effect of market volatility on youfinvestrrient portfolio while maximizing the otentiai for substantial returns fidelity international ortfolio funds performance confirms that fact it could save your life insiwsaoalxajgmtoyaiua 7a i coraninby savfct ol x i itmktithm- v fidelity international portfolio fund performance as at november 30 1998 jl year 204 3 years 201 5 years 10 years 146 m fidelity 1- tkefunds managersactively monitoruie worlds equitymarketsfocusing on longterm capital growth in aviety of industries yoiuoppprtunities fdrsuccess grow further when you consider thatfidelity internationalportfolio fund also letsyou takeadvantagebf the federal governments ovoforeign content limit inyourrrsp portfolio fpr more information on how fidelity jnternatiohal portfoli6fund can help voureach your financial coals tmentsr t rberrtardfitzpatricki 7 scott lawrence v your free complimentary copy of the brochure call this ad sponsored in part by yf mutual funds m u howard davis merrihlynch 9053057508 markham ontario merrill lynch canada inc the capital of these funds is guaranteed by hartford life insurance company of canada not by the funds themselves or by dundee the guarantee applies only tennvestments that are held for j0years or until death whichever is sooner if a withdrawal is made before the 10 year maturity of the investment and the valueof the investment has declined there is no compensation forthe loss on the amount withdrawn early please read the simplified prospectus of the funds for further informationconceming the capital guaran- teerunit value and investment return will fluctuate pasv performance may be no indication of future returns important information about these mutual funds is contained in their simplified prospectus obtain a copy from dundee mutual fundsor your financial advisor and read it carefully before investing investments id evergreen w c 180038249164 trade mark of to banktd evergreen is a division of td securities inc tdsi a subsidiary ol td bank and a licensed user 61 td bank trademarkstdsi member cipf v ji vv- please read a funds simplified prospectus carefully and consult an investment professional before investing mutual funds are riot guaranteed their values change frequently investors may experience again or loss when they sell their units in any mutual fundjhisad paid in part by fidelity investments- t iio 5-x- i vmdt s like to contribute fit umonvillexathwyj markvillejmalliv rgltrf yadanack of osc j- trxfmnark of obc seeirslc5 beyond if you thiklk a 30 tax credit is the only reason to invest in capital allianieiyentures readon investing in capital alliance ventures means youean increase the foreign content of your rrsp above- the 20 maximum h invest in highpotential technology companies you cant otherwise invest in yet f benefitfrom the experience of sectorknowledgeable fund managers i and more as asf your- broker about capital alliance ventures orxontact us toreceive a detailed prospectus- tel 18003042330 fax c6i3 5673979 e web site wwwcaviconi capital alliance ventures inc this fund is available to tario idchts oniy important information iscontalncd in the c prospectus which should be read carefully before investing share value and investment return will fluctuate s